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Miss Duff MacFarlane expresses her regret at Bp. Chase's departure from England. She has spoken with Lad Rosse and made some recommendations of books to include in Lady Rosse's donation of books to Philander Chase on behalf of the society for promoting Christian knowledge.




London, England


books, Duff MacFarlane, Lady Rosse, England Voyage, return trip, Society for promoting christian knowledge, Devonshire


17 Near [?] Street

July 3 1824

Right Rev. and very dear sir,

I can only write shortly and in haste which I very much regret for it would be a great pleasure to me to converse a little with you on paper now that I can no more do so [face] to face. I could not easily say how much I have thought and pondered on yourself and your affairs and cause since you left us on Tuesday. But I must say what the immediate cause of my writing is before I do any thing further. I very much wish to know whether having a Hebrew Bible would be very desirable to you or important. If so let me know by return of post as there will be still time to get one & to send it to Liverpool. I have been inquiring & find they may be had from £1.5 to £3 & [upwards]. I could not get the information I wished about them in time to write by the post yesterday but Mr. Marriott from whom I have just [posted] says your Rev’d will have this on Monday. So I think it is worth trying to know. I shall get some some other Hebrew books, recommended by a good Hebrew Scholar & the Bishop of St. David’s little work. Please direct to me at R. Fraser’s Esq. 13 Laurence Pountney Lane, London.

I cannot pay the postage of this easily but I should like to do, so you must excuse it. Your letter yest. was a great comfort. I was at Mr. Marriott’s all day when it arrived so heard immediately & today Mr. M has heard from Lady Acland & we are very glad that they will go into Devonshire now — I do not think I can say more than the truth if I do that.

No one can rejoice more at every good thing you receive & enjoy, or more perfectly in your comfort & happiness than I do. I did not dare trust myself to say that I felt the last day you were here, for my spirits were particularly keen & and I did not wish to run the risk of their quick failing — it was a trying season to me from the [recollection] of former events besides parting with one from whom I may have gained much if it is not my own fault & for whom & whose cause my interest & affection have been so strongly & deeply excited — I must thank you dear sir for your last blessing as well was your former. May I endeavor to live as to have it confirmed! I hope you recd the appeals letter & statements in time at Bristol. I wish there was anything further I could do for you, do let me know if I ever can or of any thing that passes through your mind. I have has another letter from Dear excellent Lady Rosse. You are to have a large quantity of books of the Society for promoting xtian [Christian] knowledge from her besides the others — short of which I have selected & such as I thought you w[ould] like best — I was not unattentive to what was said of Sir William Forbes’s life of Dr. Beattie. I have got it & will get the others & a Hebrew lexicon & the book [?] W Marriott & J. packed up the box for which Chase [?] I will write you again & send lists of everything. I have written to Lady Rosse that you will be there on thee 9th. Would not a parcel of Bibles be desirable? Let me know of this in your letter.

I must beg for your prayers at least sometimes & am ever with the greatest respect & regard Right Rev and Dear Sir most truthfully yours,

Duff MacFarlane

Letter to Philander Chase



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