
George Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


An update on his affairs written from Esquire Beaches, Chesire.




Hartford, Mr. Beach, Lucretia, Nancy Parker, Mr. McDonald, Gilbert, Buckley, Dudley Chase


Cheshire November 12, 1812

Dear Cousin,

I am now at Esquire Beaches, in a snug room facing towards the East. Father has moved to Hartford and taken Grandma, Aunt and Mother with him. Mother is in very good health but I am afraid not long contin[ued] you understand me. I have now told you where I am pray tell [...] you are. I believe you told me you was going to Burlington [...] to write to me first, I have been waiting this month for [...] received none. Oh! Cousin you know not how much [...] your welfare. It was you who brought me back to the [...] I shall always remember you with affection. I have [...] shall be forwarded this mail. Orin took it from the [...] I was gone to Hartford and kept it two weeks and I had to make petitions and apply to Mother before I could obtain it!!!

My room is very pleasant, the window looks towards the East. At this window I frequently stand gazing and here I oft have thought of you. You may laugh but it is really the case. A picture of Mr. Beaches sister adorns one side of the room. It appears very handsome, as handsome as some others you know in the house. I am so fearful this will fall into the hands of some inquisition person who has no business with it I dare not write much, and it is so uncert[ain] whether you are coming here or no I shall not say much. John Covn (alias [?]) took offence at Detroit and left the house. I was there at the same time. Bumfield was engaged in the business and was very angry. But the girls have since stroak’d his head and they have made up. John has gone to College. Lucretia (that pretty white house across the road) has come home from New Haven full of her conundrums.

O...supplementum shines forth in all their countenances. O I fell heartily sick of it. I open my mouth to no one but I can observe. “Have you heard [an]ything of Nancy Parker?” has gone to Baltimore; and will never return [...] suppose. I never felt so much interest in any poor girls fate as of [...] this.

[...] this vacation to Hartford with father. I visited his house that he has [...] to Wethersfield - sailed on the river - nothing else of material [...] Mr. McDonald is the same as ever. I saw him the other [...] breeches, long white stockings, [?], and double bare- [...] [ing]. This favourite gun I borrowed the other afternoon [?] - and what do you think I killed - to be sure I [...] [?]sh a leaf and a heap of sticks which I mistook for a squ[irrel]. Uncle Dudley I learn by the papers is become Senator to Congress, I [wish] that I was there to congratulate him on his happy success.

The scholars have tried to have me a moment of their debating society but I have refused. Johnson speaking very kindly of you and wishes you back with all his heart, I mentioned to him the other night that I intended writing to you. He told me give you his best love and respects. I declare the more I see him, the more I esteem him. Gilbert ha[s] not returned and I am doubtful whether Buckley will it all. [Nelton] came back some time ago. The first time I saw him I thought his countenance looked like soak’d [?] skin leather. Safford has gone to Bristol Rhode-Island. Orton keeps school in this place. Poor fellows how hard it is to struggle through this world. When I was at Hartford I bought the “World without souls” but it was not in the form of a [phamplet] [?] I should transmit to you.

Mr. Brunson has been reading “Henory Kirke White” and speaks in the hig[...] terms in praise of him. Mrs. Beach is reading them now and greatly pleased [...] them. Although she may have had faults in her day she is a woman [...] taste. As to her religion (which is of the first importance) I shall on[...] they have no prayers in the family and consequently Philan[der] [...] have them in our room.

Dear cousin. Write me soon, full and lengthy. [...] from you neither do I know where you are and [...] to receive a letter. Excuse the imperfections of this [...] first copy. I have exhausted all my store of knowledge. [...]

Bid you adieu

Your affectionate cousin


P.S. Struges told me last night the ladies had made a law against gentlemen wearing strings to their breeches (I am sure they have been hampered long enough.)

Letter to Intrepid Morse



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