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A diary letter addressed to G. W. Marriott that describes the details of Chase's successful trip to Oxford to gain support for the Ohio cause.
Oxford, England
Philander Chase, Oxford, Magdalen College, Marriott, Lord Kenyon, Vice Chancellor of Oxford, Greswell of Worcester, Robert Caldicott, Hawkins, Pusey
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Diary Letter to George Marriott" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 373.
Containing my journal at Oxford, used
2 Letters by way of Journal
when at Oxford Jun 12 & 15 1824
written by Bishop Chase to G. W. Marriott
Oxford June 12 1824
My Very Dear Friend:
(To G. W. Marriott)
In my very great hurry when leaving London, yesterday I misplaced my Journal, — the little Blank Book, you know advised me to bring it. — The consequence is I must make an other or let my letters to you answer in its place; and hen I see you get you to return them. This will save time give yu the inspection of more events and occasion me less labour.
If you agree to this proposal, (egotistical enough on my part did I know know your unmerited kindness for me,) methink, I hear you also — “Well the, what were the events of yesterday?”
I threw myself into a vacant “inside” in Holborn and for mearly hal the way to Oxford had no one to look upon or speak to. My thoughts, therefore, had a fair opportunity to dwell on the scene which I had just passed. “What am I, Gracious God” said I “the though shouldst give me such friends as those from whom I have just parted.” Had I been a prince with millions a my command, I might expect persons to idonveneince themselves, and walk a mile before breakfast to see me off, and in hen thousand of the nameless ways to befriend me. But I am not a prince I have neither money, not honour, nor influence, to confer. My smiles can purchase nothing, noy my name prevail in thee great congregation. What then is it, which caused you & Mrs. Marriott & that other friend, to incommode yourselves, by rising at an unnaturally early hour; some to bring me presents, some to help me pack and some to advise and direct, & all to talk as friends talk who know no guile and as (according to our best belief) angles talk in heaven for mutual holy happiness & the glory of God.
“What” siad I to myself “can this by? It is not the reward of my merit. —for I have none. It is the effect of that Holy Faith which we possess. It is the wish to do good without the hope of reward. It is an emenation [sic] of that same benevolence which caused the Son of God to visit the poor and afflicted, & to do all manner of Good, expecting nothing but gratitude in return.”
You had written something in the blank lead of that work on Robert Nelson which you gave me. In cataloging this, with the other books, just before you came into my lodging in T. [Sne] Builgs yesterday morning, I had noticed the tender expressions which you used in the conferring of this favour, and the recollection of them was on my mind all the time you & Mrs. M. were present, & heightened the value of everything you said: — and when alone in the coach I had time to think of you & of all your goodness.
Nothing occurred on my whole journey worth recording. About mid-way a young man of about 25, complaining that it was too cold on the outside, had placed himself within the coach. Having stopped to change horses — another gentleman of his acquaintance appeared at the door of the coach and asked him to read a little book which he had been penning with much pleasure. He took it with some eagerness & casting his eye thro’ the leaves he threw it he threw it back saying “some canting stuff — I’ll not read it”— Now this book, I had reason to belive for what the other gentleman said was a very good one; but, because it was good, this man evidently rejected it. “And do men dare” said I to myself, “to assign the reason — the true reason for rejecting a good thing — [viz] because it is good — No — but then it comes so near it as to be [desirable] to all but themselves. Go knows, and angles know, and all impartial bystanders know for they see they they rejet a good thing simply because it is good. And what regions can such beings inhabit? Can they dwell where there is nothing but goodness? Suppose we saw, what really exists in nature, suppose we were beholding insects flying fromm the fragrance of the Roe as if it were pestilential to them; could we expect that such insects would to choose the fragrant garden for the place of their dwelling— I know not — Men that hate goodness now, tho’ they may give it the nick names of Can’t, will find it can not change its nature at their bidding. A time must come when in this sense the spirits of Just men made perfect must cant; and if all men do not learn to cant (that is to love goodness) here on earth they will have nothing to do with it in Heaven. They must be turned into a place where there is no cant, no goodness, but eternal sin and burning, even gnashing of teeth forever.
I arrived at Oxford about ½ past 5 — found a note from Dr. Macbride desiring me to meet a number of gentlemen at his home on Monday next. Wrote in answer my consent & best compliments.
Mr. Robert Caldicott called & soon after Mr. Hawkins, and then Mr Greswell of Worcester [College]
Mr. Hawkins invited me to dine on the next day. And I went with Mr. Greswell & Mr Caldicott to take tea at the rooms of the former Worcester Coll. — spent the eveng very pleasantly with these worthy young gentlemen — Went to the R. Arms — bas cold — Rise on Sunday better, & wrote thus far.
I find no one understands even here among our best friends the merits of the Ohio case. The necessity which our wish to avoid a controversy has imposed on us of keeping silent has done me much harm. You will be surprised to find the mistakes which are in circulation even admitted by our friends. But I do hope that the Letter to L. K. will soon appear. We are ruined if this be kept back any longer. The whole truth is most desirable. Mr. Caldicott told me that the obscurity of the stae ment it had done much harm. So many things were kept back, that is needed more knowledge of the question than even the best friends of the cause [?] in Oxford to understand what it meant.
Trinity Sunday 10 o’clock P.M. R’s arms—
I am much peased in reflecting on what I have seen and enjoyed this day. I breakfasted with Mr. Greswell in company with several interesting young men. Mr. Pusey Mr. Caldicott, the Brother of Mr. Greswell too. — From some of these I heard that the Ordination of several Candidates was to take place at the Cathedral of Christ Church; and being most anxious to see while in Engd, this solemnity I went. Mr. Tyler of Oriel obtained a seat at the left of the [ean], where I was most happy. The Rev. Mr. Domford preached a good episcopal sermon and I was much assured at the somen scene & the impressive manner of the good Bishop of Oxford. I recd from his hands the Blessed sacrament. I called on Lord Kenyon’s son who immediately send his servant with the note to Mr. Bull, who wrote back a note that he was engaged to preach at St. Mary’s; but would have the pleasure of seeing me another time —
I attended St. Mary’s & heard Mr. Bull deliver a most excellent sermon. I then attended divine Service in the Chapel of Magdalen: thence we went to the Hall of Oriel, and dined wit Mr. Tyler, Mr. Hawkins & al the fellows. Godbless them all! and a more interesting company of young gentlemen I never saw. Attended prayers again at Oriel Chapel. Nothing can exceed the order of beauty of Good’s worship as exemplified in these young men. Drank tea with Mr. Tyer & Mr. Hawkins & came to the R’s Arms.
Monday 2 o’clock P.M.
A Mr. Hume who i sone among the many that received Holy Orders of Priests yesterday called on me with your good Nephew Mr. R. Caldicott this morning. When there are such great materials in an University what can not be expected!
Docr Macbride has been with me much to-day. Instead of letting me go about with the young men as excellent as they are, he though proper to take me under his protection and accompany me to My Lord Bishop of Oxford; to the Vice Chancels to Mr [Bull] & to Mr Lymmons; how kind was this in that good man! —
In all these places was I received with great kindness; and the Ohio cause is not without interest. The Vice Chancellor Hall, in particular wished me good luck in the name of the Lord — I am to dine with him on Wednesday —
Mr. Lymmons had just returned from Town and had heard much of the British Critic — A certain Mr [Strakan], he said, had learned the key to the objections, in Bp. H. anonymous publications last written put forth & sent across the Atlantic reprinted in New York and by Mr Onderdonk sent back again to London and by Mr H.A.N. re-re-printed in the Brit. Critic. This Mr S. attacked brought these said fresh for the entertainment of all present at a certain Club — Viz that Bishop Chase was about establishing a seminary of tradesmen; and that however these as clergymen might do for Ohio yet the people of Canada (where he has been living these 20) would have nothing to do with such —
But I am ashamed of this story and Lord Kenyon’s son had just come in and will have the goodness to put this with a letter to his father in the P. office for your Best Friend.
Philander Chase
Oxford, Tuesday evening 1824
June 15
My Very Dear Friend,
I had written a whole sheet on all sides, with a view to send it you under cover to Lord Kenyon: but as you inform me he will leave London tomorrow I must make a shorter history of my proceedings & send in a single skeet.
Yesterday I dined at that good man’s Dr. Macbride’s, in company with the Dean of Exeter, (the Provost of Worcester), the Vice Provost of Oriel, Mr Pusey, Mr. Duncan of New Coll. Barns and the Vice Chancellor of the University.
This morning Mr. Jho [sic] Ball sent a note inviting me to dine at Christ Church Hall in company with the Bishop elect of [Barbados] and others: but an engagement made lade night to dine with Mr Duncan, in the Hall New College today prevented me the honor.
I attended the Lecture on Geology by Mr. Buckland this day: it exceeds all I ever heard —
Wednesday Morning 7 o’clock A.M.
— I had written the opposite & just waiting for the ink to dry before I turned to this page, when company came in; and the same interruption continued till it was too late for the post.
As I am this day to dine with the Vice Chancellor and there shall meet the Lord Bishop of Oxford I think again to trouble him for a frank: and thus I can send you what I originally designed — my prolixity of yesterday.
But to so on with my journal, My appointment was to fine with the Fellows of New College yesterday. I found all things well: except the “grace” which was said by a person of an inferior rank and in too rapid & slovenly a manner to give room for the exercise of that piety & gratitude to God which the [inflames] of his bounty before us so [forcibly] suggests. — You know, my best of friends, that I am no croaking itinerant Censor — So far from it that I am (I think some times) rather to be regarded as I pass thro’ this blessed country & view its manifold perfections as a gaping indiscriminate panegyrist who, (good natured soul,) being pleased on the whole can not find time, place, or a disposition to make distinctions. But in the instance alluded to, I feel too deeply the importance of the subject to pass on & leave nothing said, or thought. I am not going to complain against shortness of English Graces, not to shew [sic] how they came to be so, to avoid the in congravity of the Cong prayers of the Puritans, no I would take a middle course between these two extremes , which evidently was the intentions of the Father of the English Church. I would consider God as our Father, the Church as out Mother and ourselves as the Children. — The Father giveth, prepareth, and the Children receive & enjoy ten thousand thousand mercies. On an occasion when these are spread forth most conspicuously, the Mother, in obedience to the Father’s commands hath ordered that an acknowledgement be made on the part of the Children of the bountiful goodness of the Father & of their sense of dependence.
[Question]: In what manner ought this to be done?
Ans: the same as that which a parent would wish to behold in his dutiful children: deliberately & sincerely.
The dinner was most pleasant the department of the students & fellows was most agreeable, and the attention paid to your friend was much more than he deserves, Many manifested a great desire to be of use to Ohio. With these gentlemen I attended the Chapel service and was highly gratified. The anthems in choir I think exquisite. The grounds & gardens attached to this college are very pleasing. From them we have a great view of the magnificent tower of Magdalen.
12 o’clock. I have just had the pleasure of an interview and much conversation with Dr. Copleston (I breakfasted with the Vice Provost & Mr. Pusey and 3 other gentlemen in the Oriel Common room, after which I went to the Provost’s.) He spoke most freely to me; & manifested great friendship. There are few men whom I more admire.
I recd a letter today from Lord Kenyon & shall answer it to Greding. What can be the matter as I do not hear from America. — Robt Caldecott, God bless hi, is more my friend than you can imagine. Greswell & Pusey are my next best. I mean to call on Mr Bull & Lord Kenyon’s Son Lloyd today. Remember I love you and all you family & pray most heartily that God would bless you all thro Jesus Christ our Lord amen.
P. Chase
Oxford Thursday June 1824
My Very Dear Friend,
I keep no other jountal in Oxford but this fuging scraps which I take the liberty of addressing you —
I think in a former letter I hinted that I was somewhat indisposed with a bad cold. Thi indisposition increased; and at the Vice Chancelors dinner yesterday I was taken quite ill and obliged to leave the company. This I particularly regretted as there were many most respectable persons present with whm I had a great desire of becoming acquainted; among whom I recollect the Lord Bp. of Oxford Mr Coleridge, Mr Jho Bull & young Noblemen belonging to the University; young Mr. [Bide] and the heads & proctors of several Colleges. I exerted my best to banish my pains and disagreeable feelings and to continue to the end of this very liberal & most honorable feast which I some how or other fancied the Excelled Vice Chanr had got up party on account of— but all would not do. I told my worthy host on my left that I wished to speak with him in his study. There seeing my reasons he readily excused me and after I had desired him to obtain from the Bishop of Oxford a frank for you, I took my leave, and came to my lodgings at the Kings Arms.
I resorted to my accustomed remedies with which you know I am always furnished; & in the course of the night obtained relief.
The solitude of these moments of sickness was much relieved by the company of a clergyman from the country; ho having read some acct of Ohio had come to Oxford & now called to see me. This gentleman sat by my bed side till nearly twelve and this morning came to breakfast with me. Robt Calicott called this morning but says that the examinations will keep him quite busy this day —
9 P.M. Many persons called to see the Bp. of Ohio this morning from nine till 3 o’clock, among whom were — Lord Kenyon, Mr. Gibbs Latrobe, Dr. [Copplecten], Mr Niblock and many others.
At ½ past 5 I accompanied Mr. Hatton the nephew of Lady Palmer to dine at Magdalen Hall — where I was most respectfully and kindly treated. — Saw the President, the Vice President, the fellows and many strangers. [?]
In the drawing room many pleasant things occurred which are better remembered than related —
There is a plan on foot for a place of deposit of books for Ohio.
W.B. Magdalen College has granted 100 E for America. 60 for Mr Wheaton’s & Mr Hobart subr and 40 for Ohio.
The individual subscriptions are considerable (I hear) for Ohio. —
If it please God I shall set off towards London on Saturday Morning. I shall be at Iver Grove on that night and perhaps stay there over Sunday. So that I hope to see you perhaps by Monday noon —
If I go to Ohio this year I must hasten. Except I set off from New York for Ohio by the first of Sept I can not travel thither this season with my family. I must have a fair copy of my deed of Gift & conditions of the fnd counter signed by the Trustees: please do tell Mr. Pratt to send Lord Gambier the first copy fr thi signature if possible.
In very great haste for the port I am—
All gratitude and affection for you
P. Chase
G W Marriott Esq
32 Queen’s Square
Letter from Oxford to G. W. Marriott by Bp. Chase
Cont memoranda June 1824
To Gw Marriott
From Oxford
June 1824