"Letter to Philander Chase" by Miss Duff Macfarlane



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Miss Duff Macfarlane is giving Bp Chase advice about how to gain support in Scotland




London, England


Bishop Hobart, Lady Kenyon, Mr. Sparrows, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Morse, Scotland, England Voyage



By this time but that I have had some Scotch business to attend to which I must not neglect--then you write next and her Ladyship if you were just to mention that I sent the papers at your wish it might be well. Mr Morse’s letter and extracts from Mr Chase’s add that I send her—All Mr Sparrows—and some explanation of Bishop H’s opposition—if you don’t send it otherwise and will send me Mr Osborne’s letter I will copy it for Lady K—you will not forget that I am to see it myself—I hope your little first account is found—I should wish to get one (or two) of Bishop H’s “statements”—they will do good in Scotland. Where I do not think they are known at all and it would be scarcely believed he would publish it, after the “notice”—both the greatest regard and respect I am Bp. Rev. Dear Sir Most truly and faithfully yours

Duff Macfarlane

Letter to Philander Chase



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