"Letter to Philander Chase" by Robert Daly


Robert Daly



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Daly asks Chase to send him copies of the appeal on behalf of the Diocese of Ohio as well as to send copies to his friend in Dublin for him to circulate there.




Lady Olivia Sparrow, Mr. Roe, Alexander Mangier, Diocese of Ohio


Bray, Ireland

July 12th


Revd. & Dear Sir,

I was much flattered in receiving a letter from you tho’ much disappointed in finding that it contained an estimation that we are not to see you in this country when you have been for some time expected. A letter I lately had from my valued friend Lady Olivia Sparrow gave me reason to hope that you would visit me. When lately in England the appeal on behalf of the Diocese of Ohio was just with my hands & I felt much anxiety to have personal interview with its author. I am sorry that I have not any copies of it to circulate in this country where tho’ very poor there is yet much feeling for the exclusion of the Kingdom of Christ. It might perhaps be useful if you could send me over a few. You might send them to a very Christian friend of mine Alexander Mangier, Esq. Dublin Castle, requesting him to forward some of them to me to [?] them free & to circulate some for you in the higher circles I shall have great pleasure in corresponding with my valued friend Mr. Roe on the subject. I regret that I am too far distant from him for personal communication. It is a great blessing to be allowed to see the progress of the good cause in every part of the world & it is an inspirable privilege to be permitted to have any part however humble in the extension of the Redeemers Kingdom. I trust that you & the souls entrusted to your care will have reason to bless God for your visit to the British Isles & praying for a blessing upon your soul & upon your ministrations

I beg to subscribe myself,

Your sincere and worthy

Fellow labourer,

Robert Daly

Letter to Philander Chase



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