"Letter to Timothy Wiggin" by Joseph Pratt


Joseph Pratt



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Pratt tells Wiggin that he is sending a parcel of books to Mr. Ward and hopes that Ward's high expectations will not disappoint Bishop Chase. Chase's anticipation of the sale of American Prayer Books covering the cost of stereotype plates will not be realized, so more money must be raised for this goal. Pratt also stresses the importance of advertising in the West Periodical.




Mr. Ward, Bishop Chase, American Prayer Books, West Periodical


My Dear Sir,

I return the accompanying letters with many books. I will direct a parcel to be sent to our sanguine friend Mr. Ward. I almost fear that his impraticable anticipations, if communicated to Bishop Chase, will send him home somewhat discontent! I should hope that we need not print much more. I paid the printer’s bill yesterday: £54.3.6. I was aware of the great expense attending such frequent alterations at press.

I fear the Bishop’s expectation of sale of American Prayer Books covering the cost of the stereotype plates will not be realized. A few hundred copies may be sold; but the profits on there will not go very far toward the cost of the plates, which will be £100. The plates are getting forward, but they must not be hurried, as the work ought to be done with entire accuracy. These, with the books from London, must be sent direct from London to the care of the [?] at New York, as soon as they are ready. But I will write on these other points to the Bishop before he sails.

Where is the [?] letter, which our excellent friend was to prepare?

Advertisements on the West Periodical works, from the trustees, announcing his departure, and the continuance of the subscription, are matters of prime importance.

I am ever,

My dear sir,

Very truly yours,

Josiah Pratt

Letter to Timothy Wiggin



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