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Stuart regrets not being able to see Chase again but wishes him well in America and assures him of the support of all their friends in England. Stuart also asks whether Chase's prayer book has been published.
Leicester, Nottingham, Ohio, voyage to America
Recommended Citation
Stuart, John Burnett, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 340.

Nottingham, July 10
Right Revd and Dear Sir,
Your letter occasioned to me both pleasure & disappointment. I had been informed by some Leicester friends that you rather intended to revisit Nottingham but of this now there are no hopes. And you have not informed me of your general success, for I am unwilling to suppose that you have been disappointed. It would give me much pleasure to learn that, through the divine blessing, you are returning to your Diocese, & flock, & family, full of gratitude to the Great Shepard of souls; & able to publish to all what great things he has done not only for yourself, but also for the immortal souls entrusted to your cause. The objects you have in view are most important: they will promote the glory of God; they will enlarge the Ch. of our Redeemer. I feel satisfied that tho’ you may be required to encounter various difficulties, arising from expected & unexpected causes, yet your efforts will succeed in due time, thro’ the effusion of the Holy Spirit.
Your return to America with, I hope, a liberal portion of the temporal good things of this country; & with the fervent prayers of many of the people of God. Thro’ your visit to England, we shall feel ourselves more united than before to America in general, but more especially to the Western state of Ohio. And as I am persuaded that the real [?] of both countries will continue to regard one another as brethren; so, I trust, that no political disentries will intercept the harmony that exists between the two nations.
It is natural that you should return to your family & nation, indulging cheerful hopes & expectations. God grant that they may not be intercepted by any of those serious disappointments, to which all sublunary joys are subject. Happy for us that we have a better country than any upon earth. When we shall arrive at our heavenly home, we shall not only be secure from all disappointment, but shall meet with happiness far exceeding all our conceptions. I pray that you may return to your Diocese, “in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ:” & that our Redeemer, after conducting us in safety, thro’ an earthly pilgrimage, may mercy allow us to meet together in his heavenly kingdom.
My wife & children unite with me in affectionate remembrance to you & your wife & daughter.
I remain, my dear sir,
Yours very truly,
John Burnett Stuart
Pray is your prayer book published? Our subscription here for Ohio now exceeds £90. I hope it will amount to a little more.