"Letter to Dudley Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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Philander writes to Dudley about the death of his son, Philander Chase Jr and his movements around England recently.




Cambridge, England


England voyage, Philander Chase Jr., Appeal, Lord Gambier, Henry Clay, Bp. Hobart, Reverend Wheaton, Lord Kenyon


Cambridge England

May 28 1824.

Dear Brother Dudley:

Your kind letter of ⅔ of March last was duly rec’d? I thank you Dr. Brother for your loving kindness in sympathizing with me on the death of Dr. Philander. For him I do not mourn sure I am, he’s gone to Paradise and would not, could he, come into this troublesome world again if you would make him master of all its wealth & partaker of all its joys. I can not & do not I mourn for my son: but I mourn for myself. — I see and feel that I was quite unworthy of such a son—and God has taken him justly from me. I am now quite alone in the ministry compared with the comfort Philander’s company gave me. — But I do not say this by way of complaining at this dispensation heavy as it is. I know that God has done right in [thus] of [flirting]. I feel the sad whish strikes me and I believe it was intended. I should feel it, for I can not help it.— All my former sorrows never draw so many tears from eyes. At this moment in thinking of my meek, darling son Philander they flow as in a stream; but they are not tears of complaint. I submit, and praise God in the unshaken faith that this as well as all other dispensations of Divine Providence shall work together for my good.

You doubtless have seen an appeal in behalf of the Diocese of Ohio, compiled and published by the friends of Lord Gambier to whom Mr. Clay had introduced me by letter. This appeal I think was (in main part) published in the Christian observer which has a great circulation in Am’a [America].

You may also have seen the Cincinnati Protest of Bishop Hobart’s conduct & Mr [Onderdonk's] answer to the same. Adhering to my firm resolution at first taken I have not and intend not to publish a word of controversy in Eng’d [England] Ifthis forbearance makes my adversaries more bold I can not help it. I came in peace to Eng’d and Thence in peace I shall return. I have but one life to live and that, in the part remaining, a very short one. It must not be [?] with the bitterness too commonly cherished if not engendered by controversy. I forgive all my enemies and most devoutly pray God to forgive and bless them. Mr [Onderdonk’s] pamphlet has done much injury to the cause which I espouse Bishop Hobart had withdrawn all opposition--Put forth a subscription in conjunction with Mr Wheaton (Bishop Browack; agent) and gone to Rome. These things were thought quite tranquil: till Mr [Onderdonk’s] pamphlet came and stirred up the public mind.

The [included] is a statement made by my Trustees to [obviate] the difficulty so far as it can be obviated without a controversy. What I wonder at is that such excellent men should then come forward to support me and the name of Ohio with such disinterestedness. ‘Tis acknowledged by all that the British empire does not produce persons of more real worth and confidence than those who have signed this paper. Thus publicly as a committee and trustees to advocate a cause and stand up against all opposition is not usual with the nobility--This renders the favour of greater value. I pray God to reward them. I am not [cortley] of such mercies. In the whole of this business God has wrought his purposes with the [smallest] means. The glory therefore is the more conspicuously his I know not when I shall return to America. I shall go into the South of England. Thence unto [Wales] with Lord Kenyon and thence into Ireland. This may convince the most of the sum [nuls]. George I learn has been to Kingston and may have been told all the news there. Tell you, Dear Wife Olivia I hope to see her acquainted with my present wife I know she will love her.

Your loving Brother,

Philander Chase

Letter to Dudley Chase



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