"Letter to Philander Chase, Jr." by George Chase


George Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


George assures Philander Jr. that he wrote back as quickly as possible when he heard of his illness. George's wife had a child on July 1st names Elisa Grover and is unwell. George went to Boston to speak with a doctor that had communication regarding Bp. Chase's writing.






George Chase, Philander Chase, Jr, illness, Elisa Grover, Boston, Bethel, convention, church


Bethel July 26—1823 —

My Dear Brother,

I have read your letter by Mr Wright. You wrong me—when you say I have not sympathies with you in your joy as well as your affliction. I wrote to you immediately on the receipt of the letter announcing your alarming illness, offering you any assistance which it was in my power to bestow. I can assure you I never experienced the strength of brotherly affection until that time. That you are now able to attend to your professional duties gives me the strongest hopes of your final recovery. The striking example you have exhibited of Christian [?]—[nation] is not lost upon me—I feel something more necessary for my support in the hour of trial than imaginary speculations. Your wife was with you and that was not doubt a consolation. My letter which I wrote to you in March after going the rounds of a number of Port-Offices may possibly reach you at last. You will then be convinced that I did not forget or neglect [you]. Mr Wright spoke something about your going to Europe, and that the Convention had agreed to furnish you a sum sufficient for your expenses. My family cares are increasing but I will afford you all the assistance in my power and would even if you wished it accompany and watch over you. My wife is now unwell. We had a fine daughter born on the 1st of July. We have named her Elisa Grover—the child is well. Grandmother Fay is with us. She is the same as she used to be but I think fails in consequence of old age. I am now superintending the large farm in this village belonging to Uncle D. What work I make of it you can well imagine. My practice has increased and some little lawsuits which I have had and been successful have given me some eclat. My business in Boston has answered my expectations. When I was there I called on Dr. Jarvis. He showed me a letter from Bishop or Prebendary in England, his name I do not at this moment recollect. It seems that he had [read] from Dr. J. my Fathers communication to the Convention. Thanking Dr J. [?] supplying him with them he added “what a wonderful eloquent man that Bp. Chase is.” Perhaps he had particular reference to my Father’s description of his visit to the Irish settlement, which is certainly a beautiful piece of fine writing.

We have erected a small but neat and elegant church near Uncle Simeons. It will be entirely completed now in a short time. Our friends in Randolph and Bethel are well.

I feel almost angry with you for a moment, doubting my affection. Do you believe that the friendships of so many years can at once be obliterated? And I think that ingratitude [?] never a trait in my character. My business is very urgent—I have the farm to take charge of— it is necessary that I should be present among the workmen—I must attend to the business of my office—and I have to take charge of the Books of an extensive mercantile concern in this village. So that I have but little time to write to friends—but in future with you I will be punctual in corresponding.

My wife has this moment awakened and desires to be respectfully remembered to yourself and wife. That we may must again with brighter prospects is the earnest prayer of your brother

Geo. Chase

Excuse my lawyer hand

Bethel St

July 29

For from Lanesville 28th, 12th, 37th

Rev. Philander Chase

Steubenville Ohio

Letter to Philander Chase, Jr.



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