"Letter to Philander Chase" by E.R. Hutton Mrs.



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Mrs. Hutton thanks Bp. Chase for his visit and asks him to write to her from America.




voyage to America, Rev. Ward, Lord Kenyon


Colchester July 8th, 24

Right Revd. & very dear Sir,

If you could possibly know the impression that your short visit made upon the hearts of myself & children, my letter would require no apology. We shall ever in future recollect the Apostle’s injunction, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” By the effects of your society & conversation, we might almost think that we had entertained a heavenly visitant. I am proud indeed of my Countryman, and can never cease to lament that I have known him only at the last hour. It is a disgrace to England, that you should have been in it’s Metropolis such a length of time, “unknowing & unknown.” What have they lost, who might have enjoyed your heavenly society! We are all my dear sir, much the better for your visit, the remembrance of it, will be always grateful to us, & will be a fresh incitement “to fight the good fight of faith, to press forward for the prize of our high calling.” May I not say that to meet you, which we cannot do again in this world, will add to the promised joys of heaven. I could not write this to any other human being; I should feel that I was nearing an assured censure for cant & hypocrisy, but I have read your feelings & I know that you will believe me. You have created a strong sensation in the best part of our society here, & for the cold calculating spirits, who are doubtful whether our own wants, & other charities, should not supersede the cause of Ohio, when we know that both are in our power, we will e’er leave them to their frozen calculations. There are a chosen few, to whom I would of aim have introduced you. Our youngest son, now just entered at Oxford, a young clergyman, his tutor, who is engaged to one of my daughters. A youth who has been educated in Switzerland, & who from having merely seen you, & read your appeal, declares that he would have forsaken father & mother and accompanied you to Ohio, had you encouraged his zeal. Mr. Ward & Charlotte called yesterday, & upon our expressing our warm interest in your welfare, Mr. W. was so kind as to show us your letter from Bristol. Thank you my dear sir, for your remembrance of us. We all envied Mr. Ward and determined if possible to provoke you to write to some or one of us. What an honor & privilege shall I consider it, if you can five me only a line, but if in the hurry of your departure, this should not be convenient, may I not hope to hear from you from New York? & hereafter, from dear Ohio? For the first time in my life, I am becoming an enthusiast, & should you encourage me to by your much valued correspondence, I am sure that I shall date much happiness and improvement in my most important interests, to the [?] of our acquaintance. Should there be any [commissions] in which it may ever be in my power to serve you, be assured that you will honor & delight me by the information. I have, this morning, put my name to a subscription for a proof print of my much valued friend. Lady Palmer’s name is likewise on the list. How truly shall we value it! Lady P. is at this moment in Lord Kenyon’s neighborhood, either at [?] or at Mr. Richard Congreve’s. I wish you could see her again. Adieu my dear and truly respected friend! With daily prayers for your success in all your undertakings & your happy meeting with your family, believe me to be,

Your sincere friend & servant,

E.R. Hutton

Letter to Philander Chase



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