"Letter to Philander Chase" by Rev. W. Ward


Rev. W. Ward



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Rev. Ward tells Bp. Chase that he has created a "strange new schism" and advises him that Mr. Marsh would be willing to support his cause, but that this should remain between them. Ward himself disapproves of the infighting and believes both sides are wrong.




Mr. Marsh, Mr. Marriott, Bp. Hobart, Hutton ladies, schism


Since I wrote my letter, I have been over to Colchester, [missed] seeing Mr. Marsh, but have read the enclosed letter from him. I have also seen the dear Hutton Ladies, who hear from Mr. Hutton who is in town that there are a strong party there for Bp. Hobart.

I left your letter to Mr. Weaton & his reply which Mr. Marriott sent me this morning, for Mr. Marsh’s [?] & his enclosed letter was the reply. He also gave me your direction in Manchester, & therefore I [was] on time in sending you our packets, which I hope will reach you before your departure. Should you not leave another to the Hutton family, I hope you will before your departure. There is no one more zealous in your cause than they are, others, you know, are not of the excommunicated order.

You have created a strange sort of Schism, a new Schism, a Schism on the Bench, a schism at [Bartlett’s] Buildings, between dear old fashion and Morris, between the Gaskinades and the Norrisians. This would be all very well if the Devil had not a hand in it. But have you nothing to do with the Devil & He who can guard the Devil & sin & death will defend you and prosper his own heart in your hands. The Devil always makes fools of his own tools, & only promotes the cause of Christ, this he often vexes the Servants of Christ.

You see by Marsh’s few lines that I was not mistaken in my prediction in my letter. The partial friends of Bp. H. will rouse your friends. Tho’ I must lament that you are obliged to depart so soon. While I am short-sighted, & it may be all for the best. Acland [?] has little money to spare, yet I am sure if you had ever showed your face there, you would never have been forgotten; and sure I am that they would have divided their handful of meat and basket of potatoes to send to their friends in Ohio. Give my blessing and love to their friends in Ohio, & tell them that as I am a lover of the country as ever was born on the soil will do the utmost in his power to enable their Bishop to promote this spiritual and eternal good.

Marsh is your warm friend, you will not neglect to communicate with him. He has the power of stirring up a hand in your cause, & he is a hand in himself. This between you & me.

How lamentable that there should be host against host in such a cause! I hope you will believe and carry it in your remembrance to Ohio that I am of neither [schism], & in my heart disapprove of both.

“In medio fortissimus ibis.” In the doctrine of James, & our Church, as comprised in the Common Prayer Book, which was founded on the gospel, I take my stand, & where the one party depart from his spirituality, as the other from his high Championship, I will have nothing to do with them. They are both wrong, I wish the one better heads & the other better minds.

And so God’s blessing be with you, prays your faithful friend,


Letter to Philander Chase



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