"Letter to Philander Chase" by Rev. N.S.T Biddulph



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Biddulph has never met Bp. Chase but sends a parcel of books for his library and hopes that Chase will come to stay with him at some point




Library, Bristol


My dear Sir,

Tho’ personally a stranger to you, you will not, I am persuaded, be offended by my addressing you as my friend, brother, and father in [?], or by my requesting that, if you deem the inclosed volumes worthy of a place in your college library, you will honour them by allowing them a niche on a shelf there.

My son has given me some hope of seeing you at my country cottage, on your journey Westward. It is but a poor place, but you may, perhaps, have met with none in the wilds of Ohio; and if you can spend a day or two with us, it will afford us much pleasure, of which I shall indulge a hope.

Believe me, dear sir,

With great respect and affection,

Yours very sincerely,

N.S.T. Biddulph

Bristol. June 30. 1824.

Letter to Philander Chase



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