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Anne Hutton thanks Bp. Chase his brief stay with her and wishes him luck on his voyage back to Ohio on the 16th.
Voyage to America, Ohio
Recommended Citation
Hutton, Anne, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 256.
Right Reverend and very dear Bishop Chase,
I rejoice in the opportunity that is afforded me of addressing you. I hold it next to the privilege of conversing with you. I do indeed grieve that your abode under our roof was so transitory, yet I thank my God for the privilege & blessing of your acquaintance. I hope the Sabbath you spent with us will never be erased from my mind, and that it will prove one of everlasting benefit. It was indeed a Sabbath of holy joy—of great delight; a slight foretaste of that Sabbath I hope through the merits of a Saviour to spend above. But dear sir, most of all do I sorrow for the thought that we are to see your face no more on Earth, this does indeed grieve me, God grant that I may shortly be permitted to meet you round the throne of Glory, where we shall join the ten thousand times ten thousand in singing that hymn to our Glorious Redeemer, “Worthy is the Lord.” We shall all think of & pray for you dear and good Bishop Chase on the 16th of this month. I shall have no fears respecting your safety, for your Heavenly Pilot will I doubt not be present with you, & steer your little bark in safety to its desired Haven. May He protect you from every danger, & convey you in health, in peace, and in safety to the bosom of your beloved family. May He prosper all your undertakings—fulfill all your desires—and abundantly recompense all your labors. I hope we shall ‘ere long have some tidings of the Star in the West, of the dear land of Ohio, and that shortly your present wilderness will be turned into the garden of the Lord. Since I have had the pleasure of seeing you good Bishop Chase, I rather envy than pity the inhabitants of dear Ohio. I should like much, very much to be one of your little flock—that I might be fed by your hand, be guided by your counsel, be animated by your example, and be cheered by your heavenly converse. Most fervently do I pray that the Lord will send forth labourers into your vineyard, and in good time give you an abundant harvest. With every feeling of gratitude, respect, and veneration,
Believe me Right Rev. & dear Bishop Chase,
Your obedient, humble servant,
Anne Hutton
Colchester, July 8 1824