"Letter to Philander Chase" by Mary Ward


Mary Ward



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Mary Ward thanks Bp. Chase for his "kindness and instruction" and states that she will always remember the values he imparted on her




Ohio, Great Horkesley


Mary Caroline Ward presents the tribute of her grateful acknowledgement to Bishop Chase, for the kindness he has shown her, with an assurance, that not a sentence of advice or instruction which came from him will ever be erased from her memory; that in every instance in which it shall please God to enable her to exert her feeble efforts for the promotion of his Glory, she will remember his expression and “carry her works to the floor of the Cross that they may be sanctified.” She can affirm with confidence, that Bishop Chase has left in her possession not merely the seeds of a perishable mellon [sic], which however highly prized by her, for the sake of the Donor, and the soil in which they grew, are not comparable in value with the Heavenly seeds which he has dropped upon her heart by his conversation and example, these she trusts will be watered by the dews of God’s Grace, and established by the Word of grower, till they shall bring forth fruit “fit for her Master’s use” and spring up unto everlasting life.

Lively faith, entire resignation, true devotion, deep humility, and to crown all, forgiving Charity, these are the virtues to which she aspires, and of which she has seen a beautiful example (the remembrance of which will ever act as a stimulus to her exertions) in the Bishop of Ohio, whose blessing she will ever value above every other possession.

Great Horkesley Parsonage,

July 8th 1824

Letter to Philander Chase



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