"Letter to Donald Fay" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.




Mary Chase; Almira; Jedebiah Fay


My dear Father and Mother,

Jed has left a place for me to fill up but I have no news to write--I am very glad that you have let brother come over here for I believe he will be a great [help] to us all. If he is industrious and studious after [6] months he will be able to earn [from] fifty to one hundred dollars [?] and have nearly half of his time to [continue] his studies to qualify himself [for] more substantial employment.

There-after or as soon as a suitable opportunity shall present- Tell Almira not to get married [?] till she sees me for I want to have [?] finger in the page choosing [?] for her at last I want to have the pleasure of seeing her again before she is married. Give my love to all my brothers and sisters and friends, etc, etc.

I am your dutiful daughter Mary Chase.

Poughkeepsie, New York

December 12, 1804

Dearly Beloved Father

Forasmuch as I know thy love to thy daughter Mary and to me for her sake, I thought it no more my right to be entitled into a part in this multifarious sheet. Take then the tribute of my most sincere thanks for thy kindness in sending my well beloved Brother over to see abnd to stay with us. He is a promising Lad and bids fair to be a blessing [to his] parents and friends - I have offered him a hearty [welcome] to all the comforts we can afford him in our family his clothes and his tuition during this winter [and] if in the spring he shall be found qualified [he will be] employed as a Teacher in the School. His [?] that at first he will attend only [?] scholars and as he improveth will proceed unto the higher branches. How much I shall [be able] to give him will depend on the [?] he teacheth, and the success I meet with in gaining in Scholars- We have been very fortunate as yet- We have 20 Boarders now and 3 more have bespoken places and are hourly expected. The day scholars are 40 in number making in all about 60. If nothing extraordinary happens our number will continue to increase - If J should turn out smart and active he will do th eduty of a teacher to whom I should have to give 100 Dollars per anum - In this case he shall recieve it and all assistance twoards improving his education which we can give him. How does this suit Thee? Pray write to me as soon as possible. If it should not meet thy wishes we will make any alterations which Thou desirest.

Greet I pray Thee dear Mother and Brother with my best respects - They are often in my mind and my prayers are for their happiness.

Thy dutiful son

P. Chase

Hon’d Parents,

I should have written you before, or soon after my arrival at this place, but thought that I would be determined upon what I should do here.

Mr. Chase thinks it will be best for me to study the greatest part of the time till next May, then if I should be capable of a post in the school I should be employed in [?] while I stay here- if not I shall go to work next summer on the farm - My journey was not so tedious [?]. The next day after I left Bethel I met with a man [?] Middlebury going to Connecticut with whom I [?] most 100 miles and it cost but a trifle - I arrived to Poughkeepsie the next Monday (after leaving). It was then vacation with the school and Mr. Chase was in New York - Mrs. Chase alone except two or three days. They have about thirty in the family except the day scholars being about sixty scholars in all.

I am very pleased with Poughkeepsie and think i shall like to stay here very well. Mr. Chase tells me that I shall not go from this place till he himself goes and when that will be nobody knows.

Be so good as to give my love to all my friends, as if I am your dutiful son.

Jedediah Fay

Letter to Donald Fay



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