
Philander Chase



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Journey to Derby and Ockbrook with Rev. Sanders. Descriptions of the Moravian Village.




England voyage, Reverend Thomas Sanders, Reverend Howard, Mr. Evans, Moravians, George Marriott, Intrepid Morse, Platt Hall, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Connor, Lord Kenyon


My dear wife, I closed a packet this morning the 2nd of Feb. 1824 to Brother Kip containing one for you. This remains still by me [unsent].

2 of Feb 1824

The coach was ready at half past eight and the Rev. Mr. Sanders accompanied me to Derby to breakfast with the Rev. Mr. Howard. We found the Room full of good men and ministers.

After breakfast the scriptures were read and I was requested to say prayers. The Spirit of the Lord I hope enabled me to worship in sincerity. After the service was ended Mr. Howard brought his five beautiful children and requested them to kneel for the Episcopal Blessing. It was given them and I was with the parents and all present deeply affected.

We then [were] driven in Mr. Evans Coach to Ockbrook to visit the Moravian Settlement and school. It is situated about miles from Derby and the road thither is thro’ a most beautiful picturesque country. The field were green as in May and all around exhibited one continued scene of [industry] neatness and comfort; neat stone Churches in little hamlets both far and near till the eye was [lost on] the summit of distant and smoaky hills. “Here is Ockbrook” sd. Mr. Sanders, “Here lives Mr. Hay the pious Clergyman of the established Church and yonder on the rising ground before us is the Moravian Village. There is the Chappel between two houses one for the Minister - at a little on is their school house, and a little further on is the house of a Mr. Montgomery the brother of the poet; and all around are their gardens and gravel walks.” It was to the eye even at some distance exceedingly pleasant.

We entered the gate which led to Mr. Hay’s. The path led thro’ a graveyard. The grave stones to commemorate the piety and virtue of the dead beneath us were thick; and yet the path (that led to the good man’s dwelling, who preaches the good tidings of great joy which enable us to triumph over the corruptions of the tomb) was plain and easy, emblematical of the simplicity of the gospel.

The Rev. Mr. Hay was not within, but his wife, a true sample of English Housewives meet for pious ministers gave us a hearty welcome.

After a few moments stay and promising to return soon, we went to the Moravians. The path again wound thro’ the graveyard round the church and then thro’ narrow lanes beset with hawthorn hedges till we mounted to the desired Village. Here we found that the prospect at a distance had not told us the half of the pleasing truth of neatness and comfort.

I had a letter from Mr. Connor whom I told you I met at Platt Hall and who was a pupil of Mr. Steiner the former Husband of Mrs. Morse.

He recd us graciously and introduced us to the Principal Minister the Rev. Mr. Church and Mr. Montgomery. The wife of the last mentioned Gentleman is sister to Mr. Steiner. Nothing could exceed their kind civilities. They talked much about Ohio, and of their dear departed friend. We took our lunch to Mr. Connor’s.

When we returned to the English Parsonage Mr. Hay was ready to accompany us to Derby. We all met (I mean the Clergy of Derby) at. Mr. Coxes and after Dinner and tea a course of Religious duties were performed. The part of duty assigned me was that of prayer I said the collects of the Church.

On coming to my lodgings I found the letter which I inclose from Mr. Marriott of London. (On second tho’t I think I shall have need of it here. It states that Lord Kenyon has subscribed 20 pounds, $88.88)

Where I shall go next I am not yet determined. Perhaps tomorrow by God’s good providence may disclose reasons which will direct me.

I will not close out this sheet without telling you that the prospects of success to my errand grow more and more brilliant. I bless God I hope sincerely and thro’ Jesus [?]. And I beg you to join me in the pleasing work of thanksgiving.

Every body is kind to me - every body is engaged in my cause. Is not the hand of God in all this? O my dear Wife may I not think that the mercies of God to me are procured thro’ Jesus Christ in answer to your prayers and those of my faithful friends in America? Do you and they continue to pray for your own loving Husband

P. Chase

Letter to Sophia Chase



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