"Letter to Dudley Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


New Orleans is now Chase's permanent residence. He wants to receive his two boys from his brother so he may advance their education there. George Scott may accompany them on the journey.




New Orleans


Mary Chase, George Scott


New Orleans April 13th 1808

My dear Brother,

After mature deliberation; Mrs. Chase and myself have concluded it best to send for our dear Children to this place, now our permanent, and, in all probability, last residence, in this world. Our worthy and confidential Friend, Mr. George Scott, has promised to have the goodness, in his tour through the New England States, to make it in his way, to call and to take them along with him to N. York, and thence, over the great waters, to the arms of their loving, most-affectionate and anxious Parents, if God permit. Mr. Scott will be with you, sometime in August, when, it is hoped, they may be ready, so as to cause this excellent Gentleman as little delay as possible.

The reasons which have induced us to this step, of taking the darling Lads away from the care and protection, the kindness and love, of the best of Uncles and Aunts - are the following. 1st. The great love we bear them as their Parents, and the seeming impossibility of subsisting without them for so long a time. Their dear images haunt our pillows, by night - and their names are on our lips, almost every moment of the day. 2nd. The well grounded opinion, that their being place with us, in this country, would be of great use to the Boys themselves. In this country there is as good an opportunity, as on the continent of America, of acquiring both the French and Spanish languages; Teachers of both being in this City, who are respected, for their accurate pronunciation and knowledge. The pliability of the organs of speech in youth, is an additional motive, in wishing the Boys, here now, in preference to the delaying of their journey, till a more advanced period. In short they could learn these Languages now, with little pains, in a manner both honourable, and perhaps, especially useful to themselves this life, and I have ample time in store to acquire the more solid and pensive branches, when their minds shall be more adapted to the purpose. In the meanwhile I could, with much pleasure to myself, be advancing them in their ordinary studies, preparatory to a Collegiate life, as well as instructing them, in what, I deem most necessary of all, the knowledge of Religion, the grand basis of all temporal and eternal felicity.

I could go on to some other reasons, such as the opportunity they will have here, of becoming acquainted with men and manners, as the place is the resort of many, very many, good Characters, from most parts of the world - and I trust my own experience could point these to their notice and acquaintance.

Now, what say you, my dear Brother? Is not my plan a judicious one; independent of parental feelings which plead in favour of it? I know you will answer in the affirmative. My knowledge of your excellent heart and tender feelings towards the simplicity and innocence of youth, inclines me to believe you will part with the “Boys” with inexpressible regret and perhaps George you will think of retaining, for old acquaintance sake. But, consider, I pray you, the great utility, and the ardent wish I have, of keeping them together. Do you think I should have loved you, as well as I do, if I had not known you, and lived with you, in infancy and youth? Remember that each, of these, has but one Brother - and that, that Brother may be essential to [ye] other’s happiness thro’ life.

You will easily pardon me if parental fondness makes me presume you do not want to give up the boys; as much trouble as they cause you. Upon this presumption, then, I will digest the outlines of a Treaty of Amity and accommodation between us, on this great subject.

The Smiles of a Beneficent Providence are [?] - for which we shall never cease to pray - In other words if the Lord will - or [again] - [?] By the Grace of God. Amen.

Dudley Chase Esquire will yield to the Rev Philander Chase, his loving and beloved brother, the care of society of the Darling Lads, George and Philander Chase, for the space of two or three years more or less - When Dudley Chase will, and intends to, make his brother Philander Chase a visit: on the accomplishment of which blessed event, Philander Chase will again commit the care of the said darling Lads, George and Philander Chase, to their loving Uncle, to be by him protected and advanced in all goodness and learning, for the space of two or three years; when the [sd] Rev. P. C. will make the [sd] D. C. Esquire a visit inturn. At the fulfilment of which humble intention, the further disposal of the said Lads shall be according to mutual agreement.


Philander Chase

P.S. Mary desires to be affectionately remembered to her loved Sister Olivea.

You and Mr. Scott will [consult] together - he possess my inmost confidence - and will save any arrangement of mine of paper. The “Lads” will love him respect and obey him.

If you could advance him a little money on the strength of all in Poughkeepsie pray do. Having none at present is the cause of my not providing better.

Your affectionate

Brother P. Chase

Being about to purchase a plantation all the funds I have are disposed of and engaged. If you would have to goodness to furnish the Boys with things essential to a long journey such as a stock of shirts etc. it would swell the Load of tender obligations under which I am to the best of Brothers. I need say no more, confident as I am that your good sense and friendship for me and them will preclude the necessity of particularizing and of apology. I left my valuable house in the hands of James Moore my former Sexton at Pough. Which if not sold immediately was to be delivered to you. This is [ye] last man on earth from whom I should have expected foul play. I hope you have ere this been there and settled everything; if so pray inform. Mr. Scott can inform you of the advantageous purchase I am about to make. One thousand Dollars now will enable me to realize a plantation worth and will fetch when the [times] are better ten thousand.# I must and shall [risque] on my verdict with [ye] bank - My love to all - May God the Father of mercies bless preserve and keep you and them. Adieu! Adieu! P. Chase.

#The best of judges say 15 - I purchase it in an equal partnership.

Letter to Dudley Chase



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