"Letter to Lady Rosse" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Bp. Chase accepts Lady Rosse's gift of £100, but he requests that it be used to fund the construction of a Seminary chapel rather than support himself financially.






Chase's copy, England voyage, Josiah Pratt, money, college, Ohio, Smythe


Featherstone Building

Holburn 1 May 1825

Dear Lady;

Your Ladyship’s note of the 26 [?] was handed to me on my arrival in Town, from a short excursion into Leicester Shire.

By this note and one shown me by the Rev. Mr. Pratt I am informed your Ladyship has added to a former donation of 200 £ to the Theological Seminary of Ohio that of 100 £ to myself, for my own personal benefit and use. Such instances of benevolence are seldom found; and my heart swells with an indescribable feeling of gratitude when I know your goodness is exercised from the present motives towards our infant Church in the western wilderness. But at the same time that I accent with all thankfulness your Ladyships bounty. I beg leave to give my reason why I could wish to make an application of the last £100 somewhat different from that mentioned by your Ladyship. Instead of using this for my personal benefit, I would wish your Ladyship’s consent that it be applied towards the erection of a modest yet convenient Chapel for the use of the Seminary. And here a thought strikes me with so much pleasure that I entreat your Ladyship will not forbid it’s indulgence, that the Chapel be called after the name of the Donor.

If I be asked why I refuse to have this applied to my personal benefit? I have some things to say which duly to appreciate, wants order of expression more than sincerity in utterance.

Having given whole my earthly substance to the promotion of the prosperity of the Church in the vest, I tremble at the thought of keeping a separate purse. My expenses will be born out of the public fund & for the comfort of my family I have lately received such assurances from Ohio excited by the sympathy of God’s people, that I can have little doubt they will do all that is necessary to keep both myself and dear family in all one comfort. As the Head of the contemplated Institution, I shall have what is necessary: My friends also in N York will, I trust, do something to relieve present wants, before the funds according to the specified form can be drawn for. Why then should I entengle myself again with self? I bade farewel to thisd principle when I gave up my estate in Ohio. Small as it is, it was given I trust with a single eye, to God’s glory; and beholding my family provided for in the affections of my people I feel relief in being then separated from the world, which I want words to describe.

But your Ladyship's present comes most opportunely, if not to relive my own, yet the wants, of our Dear Seminary. This as observed will need a Chapel and that soon: And though the sam, the use of which I am now considering, may seem small in your Ladyship’s eyes, yet with us it will be great indeed. It will lay the foundation; on which, encouraged by this munificent example, others may be disposed to reret and complete my edifice. Methinks I see this lovely spectacle rise to my view and quickly filled with devout worshipers from “the sons of the soil” all in successful training for future ministers of the Blessed Gospel of Salvation. Amidst our wild wood where, so lately were heard only the war horn of the savage and the howlings of the forest wolf, will be sung the sweet songs of Lion mellowed by the controlling power of the Pealing organ. Blessed sight more to be prized, even in prospect, than all the world, as such, can bestow!

Letter to Lady Rosse



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