"First Draft Copy of Letter to Lord Gambier" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase requests letters from Gambier to pious people in England. Mr. Wiggin has suggested the name of Mr. Evans. A meeting of the sub-committee is taking place today, but Chase was not with them, so he does not know what they are talking about.




London, England


England voyage, Timothy Wiggin, Mr. Evans, Manchester, Lord Gambier


[Unintelligible crossed-out words]

First draft

Copy of Letter to Lord Gambier

My Lord:

I recd your Lordship’s kind note of the 29th [?] yesterday: and should have answered it by the return of post, but that I desired to communicate the result of a meeting of a number of Gentlemen to consider the merits and means of promoting of the cause which brought me to Engd.

That meeting took place yesterday soon after the reception of your favour. The suggestions contained in your note and above as well as the approbation which your Lordship generally from the beginning has given to my plan and views had I plainly perceived a Salutary effect and prompt my fervent gratitude to that Good the Divine Spirit who has in so many trying [scenes] “hitherto helped” mine infirmities pardoned my sins and directed my steps.

The meeting appointed a sub-Committee who were to meet this day. The result of their deliberations I can not now communicate, having not been with them. If however I may judge from what was said and done yesterday and from their affectionate treatment of me I have reason to believe their deliberations and proceedings will tend to the success of my plan: to the peace of the Church and to the glory of God.

I need not desire to express to your Lordship my grateful returns for your kind invitation in your note to spend some renew the pleasures of a visit at Iver Grove.

Most gladly would I accept of the honour of such an invitation but that I have made some engagements to be in Manchester and Derbyshire during the period of time mentioned by your Lordship. My good friend, Mr. Wiggin, has under a kind providence manifested his love and zeal for my cause by opening a door of success beyond my expectations. He observed, however, that your Lordship’s patronage in that quarter would essentially serve me; and begs me to ask the favour of letters to religious pious characters in these parts of the kingdom. A very respectable friend of Mr. Wiggins will introduce me to some persons in Derbyshire who will take an interest in the Ohio Seminary: “but to ensure success, (he continues) Lord Gambier’s letters would be desirable.” He mentions the names of a Mr. Evans who married into the Gisborne Family. If therefore it would not be too much for me to ask, I would beg the favour of letters to such persons in Manchester, Liverpool, and Derbyshire as your Lordship’s goodness and discretion might see proper to give.

I think if the Lord permit I shall set off for Manchester in all, perhaps at the beginning, of next week.

With grateful and respectful sentiments I remain

Your Lordship’s

Most Faithful Friend

And Humble Serv.

P. C.

First Draft Copy of Letter to Lord Gambier



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