
Josiah Pratt



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Correspondence between Philander Chase and Josiah Pratt. Chase informs that he has given Pratt's current address to Mr. Hayden. Pratt asks Chase to sign his papers and return them to be signed by Bishop Hobart.






England voyage, George Marriott, Mr. Hayden, Bp. Hobart, Book of Common Prayer (American)


London, March 5th 1824

Right Rev. & Dear Sir

Your Letters of the 1st & 4th instant have both reached me. I have procured, and now forward, Letters for you per your late lodging & per M. Marriott. I understand that some amazement had been made with respect to such Letters as might come to your lordship, or I would have occasionally called there to inquire.

And Mr. [Hayden] arrived from Paris last night. I gave M. Haydon your present address.

Right Reverend

Bishop Chase

In conferring with Bishop Hobart, it seemed [desirable], that, in the possible case of the parties in America not agreeing to the arrangement made here, there should be a recognition of the Ohio Seminary according to your own views. I have, therefore, added this at the end; and I send two copies of the whole, having the present opportunity of sending them in a parcel. I have written in pencil, on the copy, what I conceive should be written as a proper [attestation]. If you will please to sign them, and return them by first Coach to me, I will take them to Bishop Hobart for his signature.

I hope we shall be able to accomplish the business of a stereotype Prayer Book, on your return to London.

Bishop Hobart mentions to me that he saw in a Hall Newspaper, that your plan met with the approbation of nearly all the Bishops, and that the only provision for the spiritual wants of the population of Ohio are the Bishop [and] his Clearly: but it was meant, [?] for the Episcopal part of the population.

My family writes with me, Right Reverend & Dear Sir, in the best wishes for your success & happiness.

I am ever very respectfully

Josiah Pratt

Letter to Philander Chase



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