"Letter to Dudley Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


George Scott did not pick up the boys because Dudley did not receive Chase's letter about his plans for them. Perhaps it is in their best interest. A permanent ecclesiastical Establishment in New Orleans still remains problematic.




New Orleans


George Scott, Poughkeepsie, NY, Mary Chase


New Orleans Nov 29. 1808

My dear Brother,

Your letter of Oct. 23rd gave me inexpressible pleasure. It assured me of your health and increasing honours - your goodwill toward me - the welfare of your dear wife and our dear Children. The only thing that struck us disagreeably was that part of your Epistle relative our sending for the Children. And even this we readily found a reason to pass over with forgiveness, by being fully assured (as the [?] of your letter clearly allowed us to be) that you never had rec’d the packet minutely explaining the motives for sending for the boys and the terms on which you were to send them. Had this reached you, all would have been well - you would have been easy and my [?] would have been unsullied. The [?] of this was, as near as I can recollect - that you should lend the Lads 2 or 3 years to their fond parents to learn the French and Spanish Languages where you would come after them - take them home and cause them to finish their education. This was the plan - and who - can you object against it? As to “mercenary view” you must look in something else besides my letters to find the information. Between such a Sentimental - and that of dependence - I hope I have the wisdom still to preserve the happy medium. A medium indispensably necessary to preserve the esteem and the love of your own heart. But Mr. Scott has returned, and left the Boys still behind. Be it so: God in his providence has seen fit to disappoint me in this first wish that filled my heart with rapture when waking and haunted my pillow when asleep.

In this I try not to murmur - and hope that I have persuaded myself that all is yet for the best. Some reasons for which I begin to fancy I already see. The Town has been very sickly for [persons] just arrived from the northward since Mr. S’s return - and the weather is still unpleasantly sultry. Perhaps this is one reason the dear Boys might have been the sufferers by coming. Another is; Some very heavy pecuniary Losses, which greatly embarrass me and which by another year or two we hope to obliviate.

I have great reason to be thankful that my own health continues unimpaired. I have become perfectly acclimated and think, with the Creoles, the air and Country wholesome and pleasant. As to my dear wife - a northern Latitude is now out of the question. The Severity of one hard winter among you would unquestionably be her Death. Even the little cold we have here almost overcomes her. When I reflect on the reality of these things a Return to my native Land is just beyond the boundaries even of Hope. I must stay - and may God give me patience and resignation, though the [?] of again seeing my dear friends and Relations never beam on my unhappy exile.

The permanency of an ecclesiastical Establishment still remains extremely problematical - vice - infidelity - mercantile embarrassment political feuds and jarring interests, have so disturbed the waters - that the peaceful Bark of the Blessed Jesus is perpetually in danger of being overwhelmed. We have as a Der[?] Resort applied to the Church in N York for support, and [?]. The Result is not yet known. If they do not assist us - all hopes of immediate permanency will have vanished. Whither then I shall fly I know not. But whatever I determine my dear Brother Shall be acquainted with - for, while no fault is attached to my own conduct - his esteem, love and advice I am sure of.

I am sorry you mentioned nothing in your letter relative to my Business in Poughkeepsie. Is it not worth attending to? Or did you forget it? Pray revert to my former Letters - and see what is to be done and let me know how you in your wisdom manage.

My dear wife begs to be kindly remembered to all our friends. Of my own love and esteem they are sure forever.

Farewell, dear, dear, Brother! And dear Sister! Embrace the Boys for their fond but exiled Parents!

Your loving Brother

Philander Chase

Letter to Dudley Chase



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