"Letter to Philander Chase" by G. W. Marriott


G. W. Marriott



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Marriott is telling Chase about the support for his cause in London including the Vice-Chancellor.




London, England


G. W. Marriott, Philander Chase, Lord Kenyon, Bishop Hobart, Christchurch Cincinnati, Mr Onderdonk, Elijah Hayward, London, Oxford, Mr. Kip, Bishop Jebb, Dr. Marlow


Inner Temple

16th June

My dear Friend

Mr Calthorpe gave me a frank for you of this day, on which I wrote something last night. If there are any letters by the general Post for you, I shall be able to transmit them. And I shall get a frank every day till you return for the same purpose. I hope you have called at St John’s and Trinity with the letters I gave you for the President of the former, and for Mr Short, Tutor of Trinity.

The writer of the Letter has the English and American Churches at his heart, as well as your measure, and dwells longer upon it on this account. I have no doubt of its doing great good, but I fear it will not see Oxford during your stay there. I have said all I could to make him speed. My Servant has just reported that there is no general Post Letter for you, or for me. I therefore presume your letter is gone as desired to Lord Kenyon. I may not see it in time for the Post of this day. If there is anything requiring to be noticed by the Post, account for my silence in this way.

I trust that the patronage of the Vice-Chancellor will produce much other patronage to the Cause. That of the Bishop (especially as his Lordship is now in residence) has been very fortunate, no doubt. I hope your letter of this day when it arrives will say something of Berens.

Queen-Square 5 P.M. Lord K. here, and desires his kind love. A new Pamphlet is come from America, entitled a Letter from the Warden and Vestry of Christchurch Cincinnati to Mr Onderdonk, on the conduct of Bishop Hobart to Bishop Chase.” It is signed by Elijah Hayward as Secretary, and dated 17th April. Mr Pratt rejoices in it, and tells us we shall. It was forwarded as you see by Mr Kip. I dare say it will be sent to you to-morrow, in two franks. Bishop Jebb has not yet paid his subscription. What a proof this for your future guidance between promise and performance in such matters. Dr and Mrs Marlow are in London, and have called here. I must hastily conclude

Yours very affectionately

G. W. M.

I shall fully expect a letter to-morrow, but may probably not have it in time to notice it by to-morrow’s Post.

Letter to Philander Chase



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