"Letter to Sophia Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Philander Chase writes to his wife encouraging her and her friends to think of people to help fund his project.




England voyage, Lady Rosse, Bp. Hobart, Reverend Wheaton


Thursday Morning May 4 1824

Dear wife; I have just now finished copying Lady Rosse’s note to me concerning the personal Gift of 100£ you’ll see by my note and in the answer to this Note that she had before given 200£ to the [?] % — what a prodigy of generosity! Still she enquires you see about other means and opportunities of helping us! — has ever any Thing like it? Sure by this is of the Lord’s doing, and it’s marvelous in our eyes. “O praise the Lord for his goodness; and declare the wonders that He doeth for the Children of Man!”

Now I charge you Dear Wife to get our dear Listers & all that can write a fair hand in the family to take copies of this correspondence and inclose them to the persons named on the back of this paper & to any others you think fit, adding that it my sincere wish that some subscriptions may be set on foot in America to aid this great & good cause. It seems a pity that good people here should be thinking so much of extending the primitive Chh. in the west as the settlements proved towards the setting sun while our own people do little or nothing!

Rev. Charles Borroughs. Portsmouth N.H.

Rev. James Morss. Newbury Port Massts.

Rev. Dr. Jarvis. Boston.

Charles Sigourney Esq. Hartford Cont.

Rev. B.G. Noble. Middleton Cont.

Rev. Dr. Milnor. New York.

Anson Hayden Esq. Do.

Rev. Dr. E. Barry. Baltimore Md.

Rt. Rev. Bishop Ravenscroft. N. Carolina.

Rt. Rev. Bishop Bowen. S. Carolina.

Rev. Morse, Kellogg, Johnson. Ohio.

It can be copied on a One Large Sheet adding my earnest request that something be done for me.

Bp. Hobart has laid down his arms entered into partnership with Mr. Wheaton & gone himself to ROme to witness the Canaval. The Arch Bishops and Bishops are gradually arguing a right understanding of the whole matter.

Letter to Sophia Chase



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