
Timothy Wiggin



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Discussion of funding for new educational institution and the duties of the Church. Wiggin gives permission to add his name to a list of subscribers.




England voyage, Josiah Pratt, Church Missionary Society, Lord Gambier, Bp. Hobart, Mr. Morsley


Manchester Dec. 11. 1823 –

My Dear Friend

Your favor – from Iver Grove came to hand this morning and gave me very great pleasure, and although Lord Gambier has not entered so much into your Scheme as I had hoped, yet I think a great point has been gained, and trust much may be done by the influence of the Church Missionary Society. After you have seen Mr. Pratt you will probably be able to determine what to publish and of this you are the most competent Judge. I think Lord Gambier’s advice is good and that it will be but not to take notice of B. Hobart’s opposition except in a very mild way, of no [?] at all, and to rest your cause on its own merits and your own character. After I read your letter of the [?] I saw the British [?] for God and noticed the change that your policy was that sighted and trusted to a [?] the Church and also that honor of [?] forbade the publication of [?] letters that appeared in my own letter, and found then that you had withheld more important documents than you had published. The public must decide whether yours is a short [?] of the policy or not and I am not a [convert] to his opinion. His letter to you in New York appears to have called faith your [?] and where he says it may appear my duty to take some [pain] to prevent the impression that a measure deemed so [?] by my brethren and the great body of the Church in countenance by those your publication shows that their opinion was by no means unanimous. I think you may with prosperity note the member of churches formed and the [?] of the Diocese and the member of the Clergy who do duty in that Diocese. The member of the Clergy [?] in the British [?] and it may and you in making out the [?] of a greater member to do the necessary duty over [?] an extent of country, and have I think you may quote the report of the general [?] in May 1823 that they were generally very [?] and laborious and paid strict attention to the law and Rubric of the Church. The destitute state of the Church as represented by B. Hobart, in the State of New York which is the most wealthy and in all the other dioceses shows the improbability of doing much unless foreign aid can be procured and [have] it may be well to state the great difference in the expense of education in New York and Ohio when the difference in the expense of the board is [?] per week. If an institution should be formed perhaps it would be best to make it a best to make it a [Branch] reserving the funds that may be raised for that branch exclusively. If you should think it would serve your cause I see no reason why you should not refer to a former member of the British [?] which exhibited you to the Public in so favorable a manner, but you will do all this much better than I could. I will only suggest what occurs as having a favorable hearing on your cause and leave it with you. One word in regard to the fear of a division in the Church in America is there can be no danger that I can see [?] B. Hobart should persevere in his opposition so as to [?] [?]. If Mr. Pratt should think it would serve you to have my name on your subscription list for [?]50. I desire you to put it on and in this case, it would probably be best to make it known that I am an American Merchant, for the purpose of showing that you are patronized by one of your own country. You are at liberty to make a subscriber to that amount or a smaller sum as may appear most expedient. Many here are anxious for your success and amongst the member is Mr. Johnson, who was sorry to learn that Mr. Dorris did not receive you more kindly. I have not had an opportunity of speaking to Dr. Smith since you left us. Mr. [Nonley] is now with us and he thinks you would be able to make considerable [page torn] with members of Parliament if you were to be in town when they assemble there. A great member of them [?] with Lord Gambier in religious subjects. We are all well at [?], and all desire their kind regards to you. Mrs. N has been very anxious to hear that you were making a successful beginning, and I do not [?] although you have many difficulties to encounter. I hope an interest may be excited in the [?] Country by the society that you will apply to. I should be glad to hear from you when you have time to write and to serve you all in my [?]. Believe me dear [?] Yours most truly T. Wiggin

Letter to Philander Chase



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