
Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase is delaying his trip to Manchester, Mr. Crosby may have lost a package of Hobart's letters he was expected to deliver to Wiggin, Mr. Wilks's visit




London, England


England voyage, Josiah Pratt, Bp. Hobart, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Wilks, Christian Observer


A letter to a Manchester Friend Mr. W.

London Dec 26 1823

My very dear Friend,

I recd your favr of the 22nd the day before Christmas and had partly prepared an answer to send by return of post the same day: but unfortunately the Post-man came by my lodgings before it was finished.

As yesterday was spirit in Divine Service and the evening after [?] chiefly at the Rev. Mr. Pratt’s I had not time to finish my first letter and saw reason to see the propriety of writing a new one. This, Dr Sir, is my apologetic exordium, which I hope you will interpret favourably.

I did hope, perhaps through my overanxious desire to enjoy the pleasure of the good society at Platt Hall, to leave London in a few days when I wrote you last: but there is too much to do to permit me to think of it for at least a week from the present day.

In the first place after mature consideration and advice it is found my duty to do something which shall enable me when I shall have returned to our Church in America, to answer the following question. -

“When you saw it stated in Engd as from a person in high authority in the American Church that the Trustees of the Genl Theological School in N. York had an exclusive right to establish branch schools throughout the United States whenever and wherever they should deem it expedient leaving no exception to any Diocese, however distantly and peculiarly situated, why did you not in some modest and peaceable way yet with a firmness becoming the importance of the subject and rights and privileges inseparable from our future prosperity, and, in some cases, the very existence of the church, maintain the contrary opinion?

If to avoid the uncomely and to many shocking spectacle of appearing as a public Belligerent in a foreign land, you from the best of motives shrunk from a personable direct conflict [with a Brother who had in an unreasonable and unprovoked manner thrown down the gauntlet of contention] were there not other methods in which the simple question which involves the peace and prosperity of the American church could have been, without any personal references and according to the nature of things and the tenor of public documents and known opinions could have been modestly and charitably discussed and concluded?”

The duty which I conceive to be involved in the above anticipated question is now under consideration as to the quo modo the result you shall know as soon [?]. In the meantime tho I am disappointed in the fond hope of soon embracing you, yet I console myself that I am in my Master’s service and trying to promote the good of his Church in my beloved Country, and this consolation ought to be paramount to all other pleasures however refined.

All that you say with regard to the great good which letters from that great and pious man Lord Gambier would do my cause when in the country has in perfect accordance with my own opinions sunk deep into my heart and will be attended to so far as in my power. Whatever this Rev. Mr. Pratt can affect in this way his kindness to me hitherto gives me grounds to hope will be done.

Sometime ago I put into the hands of Mr. Crosby a package containing Bishop Hobart’s “Notices” against me, and a N. of the “Philadelphia Records” - sealed and directed to you. Mr. C. having told me very politely he would get it [?] I was thankful for the favour. Now in every letter I have recd from you since I have been looking for some hint by way of acknowledgement that this had come to your hands: but being hitherto disappointed I have been mindful of a word or two you dropped by way of caution in my communications with this Mr. C. and a train of ideas has been the natural result. To prevent these from taking an uncharitable character I now directly request you to state whether you have recd this said Package?

Please to let the contents of this letter be as much between ourselves as may be till you hear from me again.

This being a very busy period with me I can only assure you how I esteem and love you for your goodness to me: and that I beg to be remembered to all at Platt and to our good Nephew very affectionately.

May the Good God ever have you and all your dear family in his holy keeping

Phil. Chase

To Timothy Wiggin Esq.

P.S. The Rev. Mr. Wilks the Editor of the Christian Observer, has just left me. He observed that thro his intimacy with Bishop Hobart he had been very much prejudiced against me as a promoter of division among my [?] in America; but that he saw the subject of my coming to Engd now in a different light; and accordingly treated me with great respect. The business was all talked over and he invited me to pay him visits. We are all to meet Mr. Pratt on Tuesday next.

Letter to Timothy Chase



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