
Sophia Chase



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Sophia has copied an excerpt from Joseph Mede's sermon for Philander Jr. Chase has been spending his days in labor and is in want of money.




Cincinnati, OH


Sophia Chase; Sarah Chase; Salmon P. Chase; William Sparrow; Mary Chase; Mr. Douglas


Sunday night.

My dear Son;

Had not your Dear Mother loved you exceedingly, the foregoing Epitome of one of the Learned Mede’s Sermons would never have met your eye, confined to her room by great [?] as she has been for so long a period it indeed surprises me that she has had strength and nerve to go thro’ such a task. Unto my poor self helping you; if you know how all my - I will not say hours - but moments are engaged in indispensable labour you wd as soon think of requesting a trip [?] in full business to stop to crack your [?] as of asking me to help you. Yet I can not but sympathize with you. The labours which are improved on you I fear [are] too weighty and numerous for the good of your health. I could not write but one sermon the week; the other I would read from some interesting book. Your congregation can not expect, under your present weight of care arising from your school, more [?] you.

I feel great pleasure in informing you that Sarah is evidently better. Her cough has almost left her; and her spirits begin to revive. Salmon has passed an excellent examination; and thereby mounted a step higher into the sophm class. His teacher speaks favourably of him. Mr. Sparrow with his classmates of Juns is to have an exhibition in public. His speech on the favourableness (I can get no better word) of Christianity to Learning, is I think a good one. Mrs. R[?] often speaks of you with affection. She is well and desires to be remembered.

Little Mary tho’ lately quite sick is now well and grows the finest child you ever saw. Henry is the Hero of every play; and thinks himself a match for Dad in every thing. You know I enjoy myself in their innocent sports of which I have now an opportunity of being a constant spectator: for they and your Mother hardly believe this; but it is true. The reason is we are too poor to keep an extra [?].

If you ask me if I am happy - I tell you as the Freshman answered the question “shall Bonaparte be consul for life” “Je non sais pas.” All I know of it is that I am full of care and study and have time to think of nothing else except my extreme poverty. Now and then I get a few Dolls to go to market with - the rest I borrow!!! So fares your loving Father P.C.

I hope by this time you have red your things [?] from Worthington. I have not heard [?] theme since I left. I told you I had sent you some and that you could send for him (at Mr. Douglas’s) by some of your assemblymen. Poor Boy is here earning his living by hard labour.

Now Dear Philander Rebecca, my love to you both. I begin to count the days between this and the convention when I hope to see you.


Matth 11th, 28th, 29th

They are propounded unto us by way of an Invitation consisting of three parts - First the Thing invited to, which is double to wit Christ and his Yoke “Come unto me” and Secondly - The Person Thirdly the Benefit to those who embrace the Invitation. Rest and Ease which you shall find in every corner of this invitation I will give you rest or, I will ease you: again, ye shall find rest to your souls: and in conclusion my yoke is easy and my Burthen is light.

Let us therefore consider these 3 points in order and First the quality of the persons invited. Those that “Labour” which must be understood as “Labouring of being heavy laden - such as one toils, and tired out by the weight of their loading.”

Now to the meaning of them - Those that Labour and are such as grieve and groan under the burthen of their sins according to the Law none should appear before God empty what Sacrifice have we but that which David tells us of Psal 51-17 - also St. Paul 2 Cor. 7-10. For understanding the metaphor in the Text we must remember that in the Scripture sin is compared to a Burthen wherewith every sinner is loaded - so Psal 38.4.53. So St Paul and Tim 3-6.

It is a Burthen in respect to its weight liable to a punishment also on account of its loathsomeness - Isaiah 1-4.6 Psal 38.5.

How is it then we make so light of Sin - If we feel it not our care is the more dangerous - Physicians all agree that sickness to be the most dangerous when the Patient is the least sensible of pain - That anon be weary of his Burthen two things are requisite. First that he feel the weight - secondly that he desire to be rid of it. The weight of Sin is twofold. The weight of Punishment and the weight of loathsomeness - The first may be felt by the soul which it is yet dull - but while the terrors of the lord affright with the apprehension of danger it brings to the Porch of Penitence - and causes the sinner to cry out in the Language of David Psal 38-1, 23. But this is only the beginning. Cain and Judas came thus far - Let us then by frequent meditation on the awful punishment due to sin learn to loathe it and cry out in the language of S. Paul “Oh miserable man” [?].

Thus have we the first requisite of those who labour namely to be sensible of a double weight - The last requisite is a sincere desire to be rid of it - let us then examine ourselves by the following rules.

1st It must be without reservation - not as Herod and H[?]/

2nd We must not devise how to carry it handsomely and conveniently by qualifications and He is heavy Laden but not weary of carrying

3rd He that indeed is desirous of casting of his burthens is willing to make amends where he hath wronged - example [?] in the Gospel. How is a man to be brought to this state of mind?

By often meditating on the law of God which thou hast transgressed and broken in every part - by meditating on the punishment due to the crimes - If thou dost not, feel thy heart soften while thus employed. Thou dost not fully believe. The Devil deceives thee - on unrepentant Sinner is an [?] nothing but unbelief can make the Heart so unrelenting - But would it that amend ease not Prayer and Meditation - One drop of water weareth not a stone but continual dropping - a vein is [?] to make it swell - so the [?] till it bleed.

2nd Thing propounded in the Text - which is doable - coming to cherish and taking his Yoke upon us - to begin with the first coming to Christ is approaching him by Faith - coming and believing are used as the same thing Heb 11,6 John 6.35-37 John 1-12. Observe a saving Faith is more than a bare assent or persuasion of the truth of the Gospel, it is a coming Faith a coming Belief - that relies on that clings to Christ. We may have an Historical Faith so have Devils. He that believes that Christ is all that he is the [?] of them that seek him cannot but go to him - If thy Belief lead thee not to this it is weak and must be cured in the same way as that in believing the Law - namely by meditation, reading, hearing of the great mystery of Redemption revealed by Jesus Christ - and of the gracious promises made through him - This is Faith’s whetstone which if it be blunt will make it keen.

Now follows the Benefit, Care, and rest, and this is what we call Justification of the Sinner - which is an absolution or remission of Sins by the only merits and satisfaction of Christ accepted for us and imputed to us - 2 Cor 5.21 Rom 5.19. This is the care and rest mentioned Christ takes from the sinner his load and beareth him upon his own back Isaiah 55-4,5,6. Thus he eased Peter when his heart was ready to break for denying him - thus he eased Mary Magdalene Luke 7-48. Thus he refreshed trembling Saul Acts 9.6 And he still casts his eyes of mercy Isaiah 66-2.

But one point remains to be spoken of - The thing invited to was double - The first “Come unto me” has been explained the 2 “Take my yoke upon you.” This is the yoke of obedience, Christ for our sakes took it upon him and made it is - but not that we should draw out necks out of the collar - as in coming to Christ we have Faith in the care by him acquitting or Justification so in taking his yoke we have sanctification of Holiness of Life that which God hath Joined. Faith without Fruits of Obedience not true Christ given unto us on example for Life.

Thus my dear Philander, I amidst the noise of children endeavoured to comply with your request - If it is of any use to you I shall be glad to assist you again. My love to Rebecca and believe me as ever your affec. mother,

S. M. Chase

Letter to Philander Chase Jr



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