
Philander Chase



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Philander Chase's birthday sermon




Philander Chase, birthday, sermon, religion


Bishop Chase’s Birthday

Dec’r 14 AD1850

My Dear Children, Relatives, and friends assembled here to keep the 75th birthday of your affectionate Parent & Pastor in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Before you retire from this frugal and temperate repast allow me to occupy your attention in hearting a few words.

It was, and I hope is still, the custom in our Father-land, for the Arch Bishop to invite all present at the domestic Festival of what is called the “Lambeth Dinner” to join in prayer to Almighty God the Author of our being and the Saviour of our souls by saying the “Litany.”

Now though for obvious reasons, we cannot, in our present circumstances do the like wholly and with due solemnity as in a church or a Bishop’s chapel, yet we can fulfil the spirit of this pious custom by repeating a portion of the same, together with a Collect appropriate to the Birthday feast of one, who so soon in the course of nature, must be no longer with you; and fro which event he desires that he and you all may be prepared. Therefore let us pray.

“O God the Father of Heaven have mercy upon us Miserable sinners.

O God the Son, Redeemer of the world have mercy upon us Miserable sinners

O God the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father & the Son-- have mercy upon us Miserable sinners

O Holy, blessed & glorious Trinity! Three persons & one God have mercy upon us Miserable sinners.

Remember not our offences O Lord, not the offence of our forefathers; neither take thou vengeance of our sins: Spare us good Lord spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood and be not angy[sic] with us forever”

“Spare us Good Lord

O God whose days are without end & whose mercies can not be numbered make us, we beseech thee, deeply sensible of the shortness & uncertainty of human life * let thy Holy Spiritlead us thro’ this vale of misery, in holiness & righteousness all the ays of our life. That when we shall have served thee in our generation, we may be gathered unto our Fathers, having the testimony of a good conscience: in the communion of the catholic universal church: in the confidence of a certain faith: in the comfort of a reasonable, religious * holy hope; in favour with thee our God, & in perfect charity with the world. All which we ask through Jesus Chruist our Lord,” saying as He hath tought[sic] us. “Our Father who art in heaven &c &c

Letter to John Rimm



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