"Letter to Mary Olivia Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Philander Chase updates his granddaughter Mary Olivia about his health and the status of the General Convention.




Philander Chase, Dudley Chase, Mary Olivea Chase, Mary Olivia Chase, General Convention, New York, Connecticut, Hartford


House of Bishops Oct 23 1847

My dear Grand Daughter Mary Olivea Chase

I have few correspondents and you are among the dearest.

You will like to know of my health and that of the dear ones with me at this Convention. All are well beside myself; and nothing have I to complain of but the continued weakness of my back and lamness[sic] of my shoulder. Still I am able to get into the coach which the excellent Mr Gibson with whom we lodge affords me without much pain. My seat as Present in the House is made easy to me and there I have to sit from ½ past nine till three in the afternoon. The rest of my troubles are of a mental character the cause for which you may read in the reports of the Convention to[sic] painful for me to recite. I will therefore pass to other matters more agreeable to your feelings

Your beloved Uncle Dudley has been to see me from Boston: His errand was (besides the pleasure of an interview with his Father to to[sic] get some additional matter with which to complete the Reminiscences and a Daegerotype[sic] to be lithographed as a frontier piece. All which I have in part furnished him with. He is well and in very good spirits.

The work will be ready for delivery in a fortnight.

When the Convention shall have adjourned I shall go to Hartford to consecrate Bp Burgess & then hasten over the Mountains to see you and our Dear Friends in Steubenville Ohio

I am called away -- but always your loving Gd Father

Philander Chase

Letter to Mary Olivia Chase



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