
Philander Chase



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Philander Chase comforts his sister-in-law Olivea in light of the fatal illness of her husband, Philander's brother, Dudley Chase. He informs her that many of his family in Illinois are in poor health as well, including his wife Sophia and nephew Dudley.




Philander Chase, Olivea Chase, Olivia Chase, Dudley Chase, Dudley Chase Jr, Sophia Chase, sickness, health, death, religion, illness


Jubilee College Jan 15th 1846

Dear Sister Olivea:

Most ardently do we pray for you and our good suffering Brother Dudley your beloved afflicted husband; and that God will support you under the weight of distress which his sufferings impose on you.

Your letter confirmed our fears: By the few lines which you were enabled to write, we perceived all your feelings of anguish at the thought of losing your chief earthly stay: and never had ere greater reason of to fly to Him who alone can help you[.] Of this greatest of all privileges we do avail ourselves almost continually. He who pitied the tears of Matha[sic] and wept at the tomb of Lazarus will hear us, and give you comfort in [believing] that our sins are pardoned--that the powers of death and the grave are broken and that there is to those who remain faithful to the end a crown of unfading glory. Yes dear, dear, Sister let us continue to trust in Him who died to atone for our sins and never cease to be patient through hope of salvation in & by Him alone, let us continue to struggle on in this painful life a little longer and all will be right at last. “Through much tribulation we enter into rest.” that rest “which remaineth for the people of God” where all our faithful friends have gone before us. You know who I mean; methinks I see your countenance brighten at the recollection at the recollection[sic] of my first Wife and first Philander those whose eyes never met yours but with beams of tenderest affection they and all others whom you loved here will meet you & me there. Oh how joyous the thought!

You seem to complain that I have not written to you oftener: This reproof is like all you do. It is but another instance of your kind sympathy in others sufferings. Indeed I would have told you more of our pains & bruises in being upset in the coach--but at first was unable to write much, and after that when I had arrived home, cares which could not be avoided pressed in upon me and demanded all my time.

It is well that I have my right arm as yet uninjured by my late catastrophe--My loins are also injured past recovery: yet I can walk and ride some.

Our Dear Dudley, the son of your best friend--and the very pious clergyman and Missionary among us I am very sorry to say is not well. His complaints partake of those which were endured with so much patience by his Mother. We however continue to hope that he will recover & be the instrument of great good to the Church of God. Our school of the Prophets continues to flourish altho’ the beneficiaries have reason to fear that their Scholarships will not all be sustained.

My dear Wife Sophia M. continues the mainstay of the School, tho’ I am sorry to all that her health is not as good as usual. The difficulty of obtaining Help has driven het to greater exertions than her constitution will bear. I believe this is always the case in new countries. Those who in other countries labour for others here get farms and families of their own: the Youthful part of the rest are too proud to take hold of Pot and Kettle Babes-- and the consequence is the Elder Ladies have the whole kitchen work to do; and in doing in often sink into an untimely grave. I hope things will grow better after our settlements shall have spread over all our unoccupied lands.

Mary still afflicted with her hereditary head aches--otherwise she is well and desires to be kindly remembered to you as does her dear Mother. All the rest are pretty well.

Ever your faithful and

affectionate Brother

Philander Chase

Tell Judge Russell to write how Brother Cotton is and that he must not sell the Church for the [harm] it will bring

Letter to Olivea Chase



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