
Philander Chase



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Philander Chase tells his granddaughter Mary Olivia why he is staying in Louisville but informs her that he might have a chance to catch a boat back to Ohio today.




Philander Chase, Mary Olivia Chase, Louisville, Ohio River, Mississippi River, travel, boats, steam boat, mail boat, health, Kentucky, Galt House


Louisville KY 21 Jan 45

My dear Grand Daughher Mary O:

When I closed my letter to your Grand Father Wells yesterday my heart reproved me for not writing more particularly to you--the only daughter of my best beloved Son now in Paradies. His dear image which is always on my conscious mind seem’d to reprove me for my neglect-- “You have not only passed her by, but you have neglected to write to her and to give her your blessings.”

Now Dearest Mary O-- you may well suppose how I feel under the smarting effects of such a reproof from such a quarter: The only remedy is in stealing a few moments from my morning sleep & by candlelight before breakfast to write a few lines & to tell you how dear you are to me; and how I pray for you[sic] happiness-- especially that you may be kept thro’ the power of God unto Salvation in an other and a better world.

My health is unusually good this winter; suffering I am however just now from a cold I took on sunday night after preaching twice in the afternoon and evening. My garments immediately about my person became (by time time the 2’d discourse was finished) completely wet with perspiration--and then I had to ride nearly a mile in a cold coach; and found but little fire in my room at the Gault[sic] House to change my clothes.

Yesterday (Monday) however I was able to go and see several persons--still the cold increased and last night I felt quite indisposed: and so tossed myself in bed thinking on you and your dear Mother and Mr Morse and Ann; whom I was obliged to pass by: “Well,” you will say, “this is quite enough Dear Grand Father Bishop! Don’t say any thing more about it. Why are you staying still in Louisville?” Answer-- No boat came along to take me down the River Ohio. Frequently was the inquiry made is there any Boar come for St Louis? An: “No.”

This morn’g hower[sic] the servant tells me there is a chance. The “Uncle Sam”: Mail Boat, is expected “to put” down stream soon after breakfast. This and the duties of “putting” my luggage in order prevents me from saying any more than that I am

Your loving Grand Father

Bishop Chase

Letter to Mary Olivia Chase



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