
William Meade



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Bishop Meade fears that there will be a revolt of Bishops at the next General Convention and that the Protestant Church is tearing itself apart.




Philander Chase, Bishop Meade, Episcopal Church, General Convention, Catholic Church, Romanism, Catholicism


Millwood August 14th 1843

Right Rev’d & Dear Sir,

Yours of the 31st Ultimo was only received two days since. In reply to the question about the ordination of Mr Cary[sic] & what is to be done to avert this growing evil, I answer that I regard the act as more [censurable], & contrary to the great principles of our Protestant Church, & as calculated to [?] [much] [?] our progress in the esteem & confidence of the [?] & pious.

As to what is to be done it is not so easy to make answer, or even to determine in one’s own mind. Unless the New York Convention shall do something next month, I do not think it probable that any thing like united or legislative [compression] or action can take place before the next General Convention, except so far as the Trustees of the General Treasury shall protest against it by word or deed. The Bishops disapproving might unite in a protest perhaps at once, but at any rate I hope they will [severally] address their next convention asserting our Church to be still Protestant & condemning this Anti Protestant movement.

I have been fully convinced that things have been for some years [tending] to same such result, tho I did not [suffer] we were so [near] it. Such extravagant opinions about the Church, such mystified notions about the sacraments could not but lead them holding [then] to the [canon] which has so mortified us.

We must suffer whatever end shall please to lay upon us. We have been boasting too much of our unity & Orthodoxy, & [upholding] all other denominations with the [division] & [?], & now they are healing & peacemaking & we are like the [Jews] fighting the Romans all around the walls by day, & by night murdering each other within the city. Our trust must be in the Lord.

In relation to [Tenas], I received a letter from our Missionary Mr [Gillett] a few days since saying that they had relinquished the plan of organization, so that you will have no trouble on that score. Indeed if I mistake not we are not allowed to ordain a Bishop for foreign parts untill[sic] a proposed canon or [alteration] or Constitution shall be ratified by the next General Convention.

Praying that the divine blessing may [reach] on the whole Church, for which as [?] Bishop you now feel a somewhat additional solicitude and [?] that it may [rest] [on] [yourself] & Diocese I remain

[your] friend & brother in Christ

W. Meade

Letter to Philander Chase



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