
Philander Chase



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Philander Chase updates Laura on the progress of Jubilee College and hopes it does not go into the debt Kenyon has gone into.




Philander Chase, Laura Chase, Jubilee College, Kenyon College, Dudley Chase, Mary Olivia Chase, Mrs. Russell, Sarah Chase, debt


Jubilee College Nov 30 1842

My dear Laura:

I believe I am in debt to you for a letter: or if it should prove otherwise it is not [?] matter. I have caught a bad cold and am confined [?] weather to my room for the [most] part. Besides this I caugh[sic] nearly all night and so am quite stupid in the day time. If this should prove to you that I am old don’t be alarmed. Only pay earnestly that your Grand Father who loves you dearly may be prepared.

I wish that with my ill health I had an exemption from care: but this is far from being the case. We have 16 hands 12 oxen and 9 horses continually at work for the College. We quarry & draw Stone: logs to the mill and lumber thence Coal from the Pit and wood from the forest. So you see we intent God willing to “go ahead” and be prepared to work in the coming season.

Your uncle Dudley is a good preacher. He reminds me of my first dear Philander. Last sunday he preached 20 miles from this at Farmington. He went on Sat’y and returned on monday[sic] during the coldest weather the Thermom’r being 9.00 below zero. Yet God be thanked his health does not seem to have suffered. He looks better now than in the summer. He studies very hard and writes a great deal but, as he you know all the Fays were inclined to do, sleeps immoderately long in the morning. How is it with you in this respect? This was never my fault. Indeed I wish it w’d cleave unto me for a short time; for lately slumber seems to have [departed] from mine eyes I am awake the most part of the night.

Our dear Church continues to increase. We have now above 80 communicants.

Notice of the intended Ordination of Dr Southgate on the 4th Sunday in Advent was sent by last Mail to the Christian witness in Boston. This event is important being the first Ordination in Jubilee Chapel. You may imagine how it affects me. The Candidate having been under God prepared here it endears it to our memories and hearts best affections.

The Rev. Mr. S. Chase will preach the Sermon and the Rev Mr. Douglas will present the Candidate. Let us have your prayers Dear Laura that a blessing may attend us.

We are all well. Mary is sometimes afflicted with her old complaint the headache but on the whole I don’t think she suffers so much now as formerly from this troublesome companion

I suppose you already apprised that we have all moved from the Robins Nest to Jubilee Cottage. The house is finished but the Kitchen Part is yet behind. We have also a brick wash & baking and ironing house yet to finish. It is only partially erected & stands as a monument of our procrastinating habits.

I suppose someone has told you if I have not that Mr Bennet and Miss Janet Ingraham have made a Match. They were married on the 6th of this month and when our additional building to this house shall have been finished they will be our daily companions at meals. At present they stay at the [Robins] Nest.

Mrs Russell and Sarah and their sweet babes 3. Sophia, Ruth, and Sarah Samuel are all well: and even Mr S. Chase himself bears the cold weather better than I feared he would.

Your Dear Aunt is as industrious and economical as ever. If poor Jubilee runs in debt 30,000 as Kenyon I hear has done it will not be the fault of the Bishops Wife. Never were greater sacrifices than those she has made all her life long for the good of the Church. Don’t forget to mention us kindly to all in Randolph & Bethel. I trust we shall all meet in a better place soon & through Jesus be saved. May God bless you dear Laura P. Chase

Letter to Laura Chase



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