
Philander Chase



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Philander Chase tells his granddaughter Mary Olivia about his and Dudley's trip to the northern part of his Diocese, and adds that his health upon returning home has not been good.




Philander Chase, Mary Olivia Chase, Dudley Chase, Jubilee College


Jubilee Sep’t 11 1842

My dear Grand Daughter Mary Ohio

Your envelope covering a “Voluntary of Music,” was duly re’d on my return from my Northern town of my Diocese.

I wish I could tell you that I am as well now as in mercy God caused me to be during the performance of it. I preached and your dear Uncle Dudley who is much liked preached and prayed & exhorted, and advicesed[sic] to walk in the right way almost every moment we were passing the whole 6 weeks

Your absence from home never do I remember of being more successful in my poor endeavors to build up the kingdom of God.

Owing to our want of labourers in the field there were but comparatively few to Confirm 39 is the whole number that came to this Apostolic Ordinance.

Four or five Parishes were instituted and several Churches were set on foot which we hope will ere long come to maturity.

My health in returning home is very poor. I am in indescribable distress throughout every night. Six of these have I passed already in succession.

I found all well on my return.

During my absence I engaged many pupils both male and female but the want of Money everywhere breaks down all our plans. God give us patience.

Poor [Colton] the Gambier Obser’ - printed in Cin’ - I hear has failed again. Alas! When our turn comes I hope it will not be owing to the extravagance of my plans or expenses-- I have literally denied myself that Christ’s kingdom might prosper.

You have the best wishes and blessing of your affec. Gr’d Father

Philan’r Chase

Letter to Mary Olivia Chase



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