
Philander Chase



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Philander Chase reminds his granddaughter Laura to remember the hardships he and Laura's father went through to ensure she would have a comfortable life.




Philander Chase, Laura Chase, morals, religion, Jubilee College, Samuel Chase, Henry Chase, Dudley Chase, Rachel Denison, Philander Chase Jr


Jubilee College

Sep’t 8th 1842

My dear Laura.

When you wrote your good letter of the 22 of Aug’t I was in the Northern part of my Diocese with your Uncle Dudley now my faithful fellow labourer in the Christian Ministry. We were preaching every day and so tired at night with the various duties of our office as to drop from our chairs before our beds could be made.

You were are home playing with calves and hitters with but a cloudy [care] to disturb your quiet h[?] repose by night. How differ[ent] [?] lots to which we seem to be bo[?] [?]hed a “resting day” in my li[fe] [?] & Child. Rachael & I w[?] [?] on the large Quarts[sic] R[?] [?]

Father’s and Ben Hall’s. It is broken all to peices[sic] now-- What ruthless vandals have arrisen[sic] since my day! It was the prettiest rock in the world as clear as white: on its flat land top we used to climb up and play.

But whither I am going in a letter to my grand Daughter? I was going to make some observation which should call your attention to the contrast between your Grand Fatther’s lot in life and your own: that [?]terely you might discover what reason you have to be grateful to Him [?] with all the affairs of men. [Goin]g through life I had to struggle [?]ty- If I got any thing it went [?] like the Slippery Eel.

[?]day & wearisome nights have been my portion. What I gained w[as] [b]y hard dint of teaching others - and much of that which I earned I never re’d. And now I am old and grey headed things grow worse and worse with m[e]. I travel at my own expense and maintain my family at home without any Salary

Now look at your own condition Dear Laura & behold what reason you have to live a grateful life. All your expenses paid at the hands of your Mother and not a care to disturb your pillow! Now look to it, Laura: God requires y[ou] [?] prove well then your fr[?] [?] Learn well your book: [?] your time to vanity; and to [?] -- The time may soon com[e] [?] will have no other reso[rt] [?] [?]d and improved talents. Remember this & let it excite you to diligence. It is not in going to Royalton [Arcade] my your accomplishments in science will consist. It is in understanding the branches you study thoroughly.

If you take my thing in hand make yourself Mistress of it. Don’t be a prating fool. Who looks to your morla conduct? Do nothing without aunt Den’ns advice.

The next thing which you must deduce from your superior privileges is to pay daily home for them on your knees to God who giveth [?] to you. Laura! you know this is [?]. Do it, then. First ask God to [?] thoughts of your heart. [?] [wi]ll you feel that you are in[?] [?] [?]ing it. And then thank God [your] superior advantages.

And now I have mended my pen and taken a new sheet I’ll try to write a little better.

I suppose Philander and Dudley write you all the news. A few facts however may not be amiss to set down here.

1. Henry has a fine son. health[sic] and well proportioned but rather small. Being the first grand child by my present dear Mrs Chase it occupies my prayers and best thoughts

[2.] Samuel’s dear little Babe one of the sweetest Child in Earth has been very sick but is now thank God quite recovered

3. Our Holy Communion is administered every month and full 80 attend-- it constantly but not all on the same Sunday

4. The House we now live in is better than any representation of it I ever sent you

Dudleys 20 feet square brick building is right opposite us across the street on [?] ground. We both drink out of the same pure cool spring. The ground around us are well fenced & many gates prepared for ingress and egress-- A good barn with a stable under the whole is covered complete and now full of Grain & Forage. A coach house leads to it.

The garden at the lower i.e. the south end of the lot on which we live is yet in an imperfect state but full of sweet Melons and excellent potatoes.

We are now building a kitchen of 28 by 14 feet when this is finished and a [trash] house shall have been build we shall be ready for winter

The whole Lands round about us are most closed in and we look like farmers. About 50 sheep adorn our pastures an[d] the price of their wool is discouraging.

I sent 12000.00 to N Yor. this year but hear the price is too low to encourage us to send any more (about 20 cents [past])

But why do I bother you about trifles? It is more pleasing to think of my labours as a spiritual shepherd of Christ’s flock. Of these I confirmed many and fed many with spiritual food while at the North

I instituted five different parishes and set foot on the building of 4 new Churches. Some of them I have little doubt will succeed: but where are the preachers to supply their pulpits! Alas! all love the wealth and ease of our Atlantic Cities

You’ll ask why I write so bad? I’ll tell you because I am old and at this time th[?] [Sundays] sickness become weak so you will I trust excuse your aged & most affectionate Grand Father. Philander Chase

P.S. I am sorry to hear that Mr. Sabine is suffering for want of the comforts of life. Do you Laura be his friend. Give all you can get to him. Do it on principle. A curse has fallen on our land because that the Eleven Brethren sons of Israel have taken Levi’s parts of the inheritance & will not pay him the interest thereof. They keep it close and call Levi’s money their own. What will our Heavenly Father say to this? He is angry with his people and curses them with bad rulers & that [?] [dis]tress & poverty in its trail.

Letter to Laura Chase



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