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The unknown author writes to Chase, wishing him good fortune, sending him seeds, and asking about Mrs. Wiggin. The author also makes reference to the coronation of Queen Victoria.




Philander Chase, England, Queen Victoria, Mrs. Wiggin, garden


Lion Lodge July 6th 1838

My dear Suffering freinds[sic] at Illinois I have just received a letter from our friend Mrs. Tindal, that has indeed distressed me greatly, by the contents of which I find, your dear good Bishop, has been again under the chastening hand of our merciful God, I cannot bear to think how sad you[r] case has been, & you are so far from help or comfort from Man, surely their hearts must be of Adamant, feelings of [Iron] & formed without Conciences[sic], to expect the Lords work to be done, or atempted[sic], with [?] the means, much indeed do they need a large portion of that delightful meek & loving spirrit[sic], of the head of your house, with so much patience to bear their cruelties & Indignities, your Country has lately been in & fearfull[sic] War, but I hope out of the midst of it, being so far West, & yet you are belonging to the United States, & they are a part of our dear young Queens, Dominions, I wish I had the power to address her, & lay your case before her, but I am now too weak to undertake anything for I have had a very long illness, & shall probable never have strenght[sic] a gain, tho’ I thank God & do not allways[sic] suffer the same pain & that is a great mercy.

I hope you are now enjoying the approach of Summer, with [us] I cannot say it is settled, such violent storms of Wind & Rain, only last night there was one not [?] miles from us, that tore up Trees by the roots-- & in the [evening] it was quite sultry, & overpowering-- the Winter Fruits are all cut off, & the lateness of the Spring has [insured] the early fruits. I wish I knew what state your fields & Garden are in for the cultivation, I know the Soul is fine Native soul but being uncultivated of course does not produce much, & I have a foollish[sic] fancy the help plant it, & therefore I have sent you a Case of Seeds, both for Horticulture, & flowers, only common seeds, but if you will try a [little] of each you will see what is best suited, they shall be labeled with directions for [putting] in, & some for Cattle, that will last for years, & cut down Green 2 or 3 times a year, the Sweedish[sic] Turnip will some years live through the winter in the ground & feed the sheep-- or they may be stacked, or [pited], I hope some may be usefull[sic]. I have written to Mrs. Wiggin, to beg to have your Banker’s name & place of residence, & I supposem you have some House at New York, who would receive them & forward them as soon as they arrive & be in time for sowing this summer.

I hope to pass her tomorrow, as I like to do things immediately, as I feel there may not be any tomorrow, I had a very few lines from Mrs. Tindall, she has been ill, & has so very much to do, she has no time for common correspondence & they have just married a daughter, I saw by the Paper, I will put up a newspaper with the account of Queen Victoria Coronation it has made a great noise, & considering the state of the Nation, most wonderfully performed, without loss of a single life, but since, I hear many have been linked by the shamefull[sic] use made of the Abbey, by lettering in the thousands to see the procession as they were used-- & that by the Earl Marshall a shameful abuse of power, fro[sic] which he will have to give account.--

I wrote to Mrs. Wiggin, 10 days since but have not yet received an answer, thinking she might send a letter or some other thing & above all the direction that will find you, & a little present she had [change] of for you, from only a few friends but she did me the honor of including me & I was so fortunate as to collect a few pounds, that I hope has reached you-- Mrs W says she keeps it to gather more, but it is safe-- but the Lord will never suffer his dear children to perish for wont-- as He can raise up Men from the soil, if he thought fit-- are there not many other fields of usefullness[sic], where the Bishop might be as usefull[sic] & where you could be helped & supported which you are not at present, oh do think of this, it may

Letter to Philander Chase



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