
Paul Beck



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Paul Beck apologizes for his delayed response and says he will help should a draft ever appear, though he doubts one will.




Paul Beck, drafts, Philadelphia


Philadelphia 23 December 1837

Right Reverend and Dear Friend,

I received yours of the 24th November and note the contents and I perceived you have placed the affair in the right hands. Should the draft ever appear I shall meet it according to order but I do not expect it ever will. I should have answered yours more punctually but was in hopes of receiving news of your sons arrival with you which I hope has been accomplished ere this. The many dangers attending travelling in your country creates an anxiety in the breasts of those who have friends on the western waters. I am obliged to be brief in my writing on account of my eyes which will not allow me to spend much time in that employment.

You will please accept the love and affectionate remembrance of all my family and present the same to Mrs. Chase and your family.

I remain

Yours Sincerely

Paul Beck


When you draw on me for any amount please draw at one days sight as I am sometimes from home the business part of a day. Always send a letter of advice. Your two drafts one of 50$ and one of 150$ and have been paid.

The Right Reverend Philander Chase

Letter to Philander Chase



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