"Letter to George Chase" by Dudley Chase


Dudley Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Dudley has arrived in Hartford, Philander is away from home. Dudley spoke to George's mother about the "french-new-york plan".




Hartford, CN


Dudley Chase, George Chase, Philander Chase, Hartford CN


Hartford March 17th 1817

Dear George,

I arrived here last evening a little after 12 o’clock — had a very easy & pleasant ride, considering it was so late in the night. The stage for Winsor & Hanover was gone; and, as you predicted, I shall be obliged to suspend my homeward march ‘till Thursday next. I learn that there is no communication from [Worcester] to Keene by Stage; of course it would be unadvisable [sic] to take the latter place & Sutton in my way to Vermont.

I this morning called on your father, — they live with Mrs. Adams, and are all in good health. Sheldon & Cyrus bond with your mother. Your father has been gone a fortnight to day, and has not been heard from since his departure. He prepared to take Buffalow & Albany in his way to Ohio, or rather, to the [Wentward], being wholly undetermined in what part of those extensive requiem he should make his faith. A letter is expected from him on Saturday next.

I have [conversed inform] the French-New-York plan with your Mother — she approves of the object but hesitates about the means — she will write to you & explain her views as to the propriety of the measure.

Cyrus is still here and on an unsettled condition, but excellent hopes and spirits.

Why have I humbled you with this letter?

Your goodness & love must furnish favorable reply.

Yours forever,

D. Chase

Mr. George Chase

Letter to George Chase



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