"Letter to George Chase" by Dudley Chase


Dudley Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Dudley tells George about how powerful he finds the new painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence by John Trumbull. He looked at the painting with Senator Nathanial Macon, who was at the signing, and can attest that it is accurate. Dudley tells George to keep writing to his Aunt even though she has no time to respond. Dudley is excited to see George and his family in his upcoming return home.




Washington D.C.


Dudley Chase, George Chase, Senate, Nathanial Macon, John Trumbull, painting, Declaration of Independence, Washington DC, Hartford


Washington Jan’y 25th 1817

Dear George,

Under date of Jan’y 20th you write me on a variety of subjects, among other things, exhibiting your sentiments relating to various topics suggested in letters I had the pleasure to write you. Your candor in commenting on former observation relative to the late [Ford] & [Draught], were very pleasing to my heart; not because I disapproved of your [prian] remarks, but because you exhibited a self [correcting] principle calculated to [chasten] and even replace that which, on reflection, might be faily in any hasty production. — I do not ‘collect the story of abuse rec’d from the late President, to which you allude, but most distinctly recognize the justice of the principle to which you appeal. A just inquisition from wrongs we have rec’d, is the guarantee of a disposition, to feel the wrong for fellows, or even those mere removed from ourselves. To forgive is, however, a [timely] christian action; and to forget. When we stand on the sad that coven our oppressors, those impurities that once harrowed our sensibilities, is indeed magnanimous.

Your observations relative to the address of Mr. Phillips and the journal of science delighted me exceedingly, tho’d have not time this present moment to state the reasons.

Before you receive this you will learn from the newspapers that Mr. Trumbull, the great American Historical Painter is here, and that the Senate have passed [orders] to receive four different paintings of his, descriptive of those distinguished events that were [?] in the history of our Revolution. Scarce of those [Gentry], I have seen with very great pleasure. Mr. Macon an old man, now Senator from North Carolina, was present that the same time with me. The painting represented the Congress of the United States at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independance. The figures in full length were Mr. Jefferson and others of the Committee who reported that memorable [achievement]. The lesser figures were the several members of the Congress composing that august body of Statesmen & Patriots. Mr. Macon, proved the ability & correctness of the Acrist, by designating the carious personage in the group, from his recollection the the features of the originals. I never experienced such an effect on my feelings, from beholding any production of the [pencil], as on this occasion. — I hope you many at some future day have an opportunity of judging of the merit of Col’o Trumbull in propria [persona].

I shall not fail to make report of your remarks (the next letter I write to your Aunt) on her not having fulfilled her promise to write one letter to your two. She will excuse herself by saying that the children make such racket & hate that she has no time nor chance to write “But” she will say, “tell George that I do not the less love him nor the less appreciate the pleasure of his letters give me”. So George you must have the goodness to write on, and to excuse your Dear Aunt ‘till she actually writes herself [and makes] her own apology.

[I] am every moment turning my [mind] to compute the diminishing period of my stay here; and indulging in the pleasing anticipation of that delight I shall feel on seeing you & all your family on my return home; where I hope once more to enjoy repose.

Have the goodness to remember me in the most cordial & affectionate manner to all your Father’s family, to excuse this thing, written in the utmost haste, to believe me to be,

Yours forever,

Dudley Chase

P.S. Write often.

Mr. George Chase

Hartford Connecticut

Letter to George Chase



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