
Lincoln Galton



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Reverend Galton sends his prayers to Bishop Chase for his afflictions.




Lincoln Galton, Philander Chase


Brampton Park

Feby. 11th 1836

Rt. Rev’d & dear Sir

The account rec’d by our dear friend Lady Olivia from you this morng. [imparting] the [?] visitation in Gilead, has I assure you much affected us both. You need not to be reminded, Dear Sir, that “many are the afflictions of the righteous: & surely the record of the Lord’s gracious dealings with you & yours in pain past furnishes a striking comment upon the Scripture “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in Thee--” May that peace, which the world can neither give nor take away, now keep your mind from [arduous] anxiety: & may you be [had] to cast at your care upon Him who careth for you!

Lady Olivia requests me to say that she expects, [D.S.] to be in soon early next week; & will either send you a [?] stating when she can have the pleasure of seeing you, or will call at Harley St.

With sincere prayer that your God may supply all your need & long [?] you a blessing to that diocese over which the Holy Ghost, in his providence, hath made you overseer,

I have the honour to be,

Rt. Rev’d & dear Sir,

Your faithful & affectionate servant,

I. Lincoln Galton

Letter to Philander Chase



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