
Thomas Sims



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Reverend Sims offers the services of his people and establishment to Philander Chase to help with his efforts in the United States. He suggests at some later date he would be honored to meet with him.




Thomas Sims, Tyndale


Rev. Mr. Sims

38 Torrington Square

29 Dec. 1835

Right Reverend and Dear Sir,

I have received the favor of your [?] note, but regret that you should have taken the [?] to offer an apology for a slight oversight.

I was happy to receive a note enclosed from my valued correspondent Mr. Tyndale and occupying as I do a comparatively humble situation in our Divine M[arter]’s [extensive] [Vineyard] feel much honoured by my introduction to an acquaintance with a [?] Right Rev. Sir, with whose efforts in a distant quarter of the globe I am not wholly [ill] acquainted.

Overwhelmed with engagements, that is, ministerial occupations, at the present [moment], and suffering from a very oppressive cold, I will not immediately solicit the favor of an interview, but leave this note and a card from respect, with the hope that ere long it may be convenient to yourself, and to me, that I may have the pleasure of a [personal] conference on subjects connected with your truly [?] efforts and [judicious] plans.

It will be a source of peculiar satisfaction to me if it should be in my power, although in our inferior rather than influential position, to suggest, in a respectful manner, for your consideration, the names of my individuals who may render aid in your noble and beneficial design, or any measures that appear to be likely to endure to the [success] of this great and Christian enterprise.

I have the honour to be,

Right Rev. ad dear Sir,

with sentiment of sincere respect,

Your faithful, [humble] servant.

Thomas Sims

Letter to Philander Chase



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