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Ward reaffirms his commitment to Chase's cause and updates him on progress made with the churches on the Isle of Man.
Diocese of Illinois, Isle of Man, Lord Kenyon, Lord Ripon, Wiggin family, Gredington, Bishop's Court
Recommended Citation
Ward, Bishop W., "Letter to Philander Chase" (1835). Philander Chase Letters. 1016.
Bishop’s Court. Isle of Mann
Nov. 18. 1835
Right Rev’d & dear Brother
The enclosed will show you that I am doing the best I can in my insular capacity to promote your object. I will continue to do so you may be assured though by doing so I may seem in the eyes of the world to be waiting my interest for a foreign cause instead of employing it for my own – for the Church of Illinois instead of the Church of Mann, the world forgetting the promise and the precept, “Give and it shall be given unto thee in full measure.” I have always observed that it is had policy even in a worldly sense to follow too strictly the maxim “Charity should begin at home.” I am certain that to confine it to home is inconsistent with the unbounded charity of the Gospel. I have known men confine all their interest to the providing of their Sons, and would not waste a morsel of it by asking for others – and I have known other men that employed all their interest in doing good whenever and to whomever it was in the power of their hand to do it, and how often have I seen the former fail in providing for their Sons and the latter succeed, and what was this owing to but the approbation and blessing of God. I will therefore continue to plead for Illinois while I plead by Mann – the world is wide, and thank God England is richly sprinkled with the pious and the charitable servants of God, some of whom may be touched for the wants of the new Diocese of Illinois who might not be so easily moved by the wants of the ancient Church of Mann, and vice versae. Let us give them their choice, and let them follow their taste – they will both be promoting the same end, in benefitting the same Church the church universal of which Illinois & Mann are constituent parts, branches of the same vine.
Though it has pleased God to enable me to do much for the Church of this Diocese by promoting its religion and learning, there remains still much more to be done. On my arrival in the Diocese 7 years ago I found most of the Churches in a rapid state of decay & dilapidation, originally from buildings & now insufficient to contain a third of the inhabitants. I also found the only school of learning for Clergy or laity had been for some years vacant. After the example of the late Bp of Ohio I appealed to the Bench of Bishops & all my friends in England. My dear Lord Ripon heading my subscription with £100 and by the munificence of these noble & pious friends I have been enabled under a kind Providence to build nine new Churches containing upon an average 1000 each costing at least £10000.
I have this moment received your letter, and one from the good Kenyon as warm as ever in your cause. I rejoice and thank God for the bright prospect which opens before you as hinted in your letter. The building of your College by the means you suggest is the most [likely] thing in the world to take place, it would be the best possible use in every sense of the word that a rich man could make of his money to build a College on [some] eligible, beautiful spot of the fertile Illinois, and purchase land in its vicinity – he would be sure of a rich return both in his basket & in his bosom: he would be promoting the cause of God while he was serving himself, most effectually. You must not fail to visit Bishop’s Court & the Isle of Mann when you come to Greddington, and bring with you the kind Kenyon. Give our best regards to the good Wiggin family & with the affecte. remembrances & best wishes of all my dear family that you enquire after
I remain my dear Brother
Your affecte. Brother in Christ
W. Sodor & Mann