One way to see the history of this transfer of property to "aryans" under the Third Reich is to examine Francotyp machine cards. Francotyp machines were used to apply physical evidence of postage to mailed matter. These devices had been used since 1923 as a franking system for mailing purposes. The card was a service record of these machines and documented the mail history of the company in question, along with the changes occurring to the corporate name and address both before and after expropriation.
--Michael D. Bulmash, K1966
Browse the Bulmash Family Holocaust Collection.
Aryanization of Jewish-Owned Gleiser Furniture, Berlin Francotyp Card
Front: Tan card with printed black lines and information blanks with information written in with black ink. Top section and lower section have a series of pasted and hand stamps. Includes information on the history of a machine manufactured by Gleiser, with dates, name and address of purchaser, along with maintenance information. Gleiser was a formerly Jewish, then Aryanized company. Back: Information filled in with black ink. Stamps at top and bottom right.
Information Provided by Michael D. Bulmash:
A card containing history of technical information on a machine manufactured by Gleiser, with dates, name and address of purchaser, along with maintenance information. The machine was constructed in 1929. Gleiser was a Jewish company - Albert Gleiser Mobelfabrik-AG - liquidated between 1936 and 1938. The card does not yield information as to the specific German company or individual that took over after Gleiser was aryanized.
Partial Envelopes Showing the Aryanization of Kaufhaus des Westens/Hertie Company: a Postal History
Partial envelopes
a: Small part of white envelope with light blue crosshatched lines, “Kaufhaus des Westens” in black print above small square image of ship.
b: Plain white partial envelope, “Deutsches Reich *003” stamped in red ink in top right corner, addressed to “J.H. Frau K. Köhler.”
c: Part of white envelope with light blue crosshatched lines, “Deutsches Reich *012” stamped in red ink in top right corner, “Firma” printed in blue at bottom.
d: White partial envelope with light blue crosshatched lines, “Deutsches Reich *008” stamped in red ink in top right corner, addressed to “Frau Krüger” written in blue.
e: White partial envelope with light blue crosshatched lines, “Deutsches Reich *008” and “Ka De We in Weiss” stamped in red ink in top right corner, addressed to “Herrn Rasmussen.”
f: White partial envelope with light blue crosshatched lines, “Deutsches Reich *008” and “ALLES FÜR DAS KIND im Ka De We” stamped in red ink in top right corner, addressed to “Anton Keller & Co.”
g: White partial envelope with light blue crosshatched lines, “Deutsches Reich *008” and “Grosser Oster-Verkauf” stamped in red ink in top right corner, addressed to “Firma Handstickerei Werke.”
h: Green partial envelope, “Deutsches Reich *008” and “ALLES FÜR DIE REISE im Ka De We” stamped in red ink in top right corner, “Titl. Berufsgenossenschaft der Molkerei-Brennerei- und Stärke-Jndustrie” in black print in center.
i: Green partial envelope, “5490” printed next to “Deutsches Reich *008” and “HERBSTMODEN im Ka De We” stamped in red ink in top right corner, “Reichsunfallversicherung Berufsgenossenschaft der Molkerei- Brennerei- und Stärke- Industrie” in black print in center.
j: Green partial envelope, “8033” printed next to “Deutsches Reich *008” and “HERBSTMODEN im Ka De We” stamped in red ink in top right corner, “Reichsunfallversicherung Berufsgenossenschaft der Molkerei- Brennerei- und Stärke- Industrie” in black print in center.
k: Green partial envelope, “Deutsches Reich *008” stamped in red ink in top right corner, large, transparent, yellow area in center.
l: Green partial envelope, “Deutsches Reich *008” and “WEIHNACHTSGESCHENKE aus dem Ka De We” stamped in red ink in top right corner.
m: Green partial envelope, “Deutsches Reich *008” and “Ka De We hat alles” stamped in red ink in top right corner.
n: Green partial envelope, “008 Deutsche Reichspost” stamped in red ink in top right corner, addressed to “Deutsche Fleischer-Zeitung.”
o: Small part of light green envelope, “012 Deutsche Reichspost” stamped in red ink in top right corner, “hertie” printed in red in center.
p: Green partial envelope, “HERTIE” stamped in red ink at top, large, transparent area in center.
Information Provided by Michael D. Bulmash: A large department store founded in 1907 by Adolf Jandorf, it was taken over in 1927 by the Jewish-owned Hertie Company. With the Nazi rise to power in the 1930s, the race laws prohibited Jewish ownership and the department store was aryanized between 1935 and 1938. However, the name of the store remained the same.