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Brown postcard, no image, handwritten front and back. Front has magenta stamp in top right corner and "Nisko - 1. Feb, 1940" stamped on it.

Information Provided by Michael D. Bulmash:Rare Postcard with straight line cachet of Nisko Ghetto, referred to as the ”Nisko Plan” to resettle Jews from German-occupied areas to territory in Eastern Poland near Lublin, part of the Generalgouvernement. The Nazi elite devised The Nisko Plan, to be distinguished from the so-called “Madagascar” Plan to resettle Jews on a reservation in Madagascar. Both “Plans” were formulated prior to the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939. Nisko would be a transit camp for Jews, administered by Germans. The Jews would ultimately be resettled in the Lublin district. Jews were transported from Bohemia and Moravia, Vienna and Katowice: in all, approximately 95,000 Jews. Upon arrival they were forced to set up barracks in the swampy fields. Himmler and Hitler eventually closed the Nisko reservation in April, 1940, a few months after this postcard was written. The Madagascar Plan was also discarded. As the Shoah Resource Center states, “Hitler turned his attention to deadlier means of solving the ‘Jewish question.’”

The 15 pfennig Hindenburg stamp is overprinted with Deutsche Post Osten/30 Groschen. Adolf Bander in the Ghetto writes to an M. Fintner in Brunn. Mr. Bander’s address is Zentralstelle fur JudenSeidlung Nisko am San.


4 1/4 x 5 3/4 "


Nisko Plan, Nisko Ghetto, Madagascar Plan, Adolf Bander, Jewish Question





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