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Front: White postcard with an illustration of the hotel on top. Includes a boot coming out of the hotel and kicking a cariacturized Jewish man in pinstripe pants out onto the street, his bag opening and his belongings falling out in the process. In the lower lefthand corner is an illustration of a statue. A message is written in messy handwriting next to the statue, and across the rest of the postcard.Back: Green postcard lines filled in with an address in pencil. Green 5 cent stamp in upper right corner, with a black Frankfurt circular handstamp over it. Another black hand stamp in lower left corner.The Frankfurt Hotel "Kölner Hof" barred Jews since 1895 and advertised itself as the "only Jew-free hotel" in the city.

Information Provided by Michael D. Bulmash:

Frankfurt’s Hotel Kölner Hof barred Jews since 1895 and advertised itself as the "only Jew-free hotel" in the city. The owner of Kölner Hof, Hermann Laass, took great pride in the fact that Jews were excluded. A variety of antisemitic media were used: posters, postcards, and advertisements in antisemitic newspapers. Laass was a member of a number of antisemitic organizations, culminating in his joining the NSDAP, the Nazi Party, in 1933.


3 3/4 x 5"


Caricature, Propoganda, Statue, Frankfurt Hotel, Kölner Hof, Hermann Laass, Herrn E. Zibell Kaufmann



Kolner Hof Antisemitic Postcard



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