Creation Year
Image ID
Alternate Identifier
BF: Around Kerman, Iran
The mihrab, installed in the 16th century, comprising of a half-octagon (four facets), with a marble dado at the base, and muqarnas tiering at the top. The whole is framed in sumptuous layers of inscription bands and geometric and arabesque patterns.
The Friday Mosque at Kerman is the first major monument built under the Muzaffarids in 1349, after the breakdown of the Ilkhanid dynasty. The tall portal arch is similar to the one at Yazd. The variety of floral motifs, the muqarnas (stalactite) semi-dome, and the inscription band framing the portal are all notable features. The tile mosaic has been heavily restored. Two minarets originally crowned the portal, but collapsed in an earthquake.
Image Notes
Creation date unknown. Photograph processed September 1967. Formerly catalogued as B45.629. No notes written on the slide or index.
Image Format
35 mm slide
Geographic Reference
Kerman, Iran
Fourteenth Century, Muzaffarid, Mosque, Brick, Stone, Masonry, Mihrab, Marble, Inscription, Quranic Inscription, Muqarnas, Tiles, Mosaic, Faience Mosaic, Arabesque, Arches, Pointed Arches