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Download YE Shuang-Gui_卡拉大合唱装置展厅示意图.pdf (888 KB)

Download YE Shuang-Gui_女性面.pdf (562 KB)

Download YE Shuang-Gui_男性面.pdf (623 KB)


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Plastic bottles, tin cans, and other covers of well-known brands, disposed electronic components, angle iron, rebar, transparent plastic cloth, water pipe, all-purpose glue, plastic flowers and grass, a sound control system, mini-speakers, red, yellow, blue, green, and white bulbs, ten live fish, four kilograms of shrimp, and five live ducks


This proposal art manifests the artist's concern for human-nature relations. The idea is that five robots will imitate humans to urinate in the pond where fish, shrimp, and ducks live. Animals will be agonized by the toxic water and beat the water. The sound of beating water will trigger robots to chorus "Tomorrow will be better" in different languages. At the end, animals will die in the toxic environment, which creates an ironic contrast between the chorus and the fact that animals are dying. (Zhuocheng Jiang '26)

Proposal Art: Kala Chorus 卡拉大合唱



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