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Date of Exhibition Event
Location of Exhibition Event
Frankfurt, German
Photographs, hand-written notes
This proposal consists of photographs and hand-written notes that indicate the arrangement of the exhibition “The Nutritious Soil”, which was held in Frankfurt, German in 1996. Nearly one ton of nutritious soil and some photographs of the artist’s father planting flowers were brought to the exhibition from China. The term “Nutritious Soil” refers to a type of highly-quality soil found in the Changbai mountains in Northeast China. The idea is that this soil “contains many nutrients and will enhance the natural environment in other places”. As it states in the proposal, “the nutritious soil and the coffee house are both nutritious to anyone who comes. Art is nutritious to people and people can give nutritious to art as well”. (Zhou Yan, “A History of Contemporary Chinese Art: 1949 to Present”, Springer, 2020.) (Yifan Shang ‘25)