Stephen Mack
The vellum is in poor condition, there is a hole near the bottom of the page.; Decorated initials, three on the verso, none on the recto. These letters are done in gold, with red and blue as backgrounds and thin, circular decorations in white above them.; Angular Gothic Script, this font is difficult to read, especially now that the vellum is worn.; Both Denison and Jean Preston note that many leaves in this book have red underlining and this is quite original, ours, however, does not have this.; Black, red, blue, gold, and white inks. Ege notes that the black ink has a greenish undertone and that this was more typical in England than in France.
Description Recto
Missal, unknown text; Flesh Side
Description Verso
Missal, unknown text; Hair Side
Purchased from Otto F. Ege
Format Medium
Format Extent
29.5 x 21.5
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Relation Is Part Of
Otto F. Ege's "50 Original Leaves from Medieval Manuscripts"
Date Digitized
February 2007
France (Rouen)
Late 1300s
Recommended Citation
Unknown, "Missal: Number 26" (2014). Medieval Manuscripts. 16.