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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.
As chairman of military affairs, Sherman discusses the loyalty of D.C., Maryland and Virginia.
KMcI 610608
letter, McIlvaine, Sherman, Civil War
Recommended Citation
Sherman, John, "Letter to C. P. McIlvaine" (1861). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 67.

Hon. John Sherman of Ohio to Bp. McIlvaine
June [?] 8th, 1861
My Dear Sir,
I appreciate highly your opinion that the solution of our national difficulties now rests upon a power higher than man’s, our good men, our wise men, all men are now at fault. they can see no ground for hope of a peaceful settlement. the committee of 33 distracted [?] & divided. I see no higher duty before me than to insist upon the preservation of the Union & the enforcement of the laws even to employment of the full physical power of the government.
At present the peace of this district is insured. Gen. Scott has the matter in hand & those citizens of the District seem loyal to the Govt. If severance [?] MAryland shall follow the hasty movement of Virginia then it is manifest their plans must be the plans of a desolating [?] civil war. at present i have no fear of it. let us still cling to the hope a wise providence will not allow the foremost [?] bastion [?] of civil govt. ever [?] allowed [?] [?] so soon to expire in Civil War.
I never have had the pleasure to see your soon and should be happy to have his acquaintance.
With great respect
I am truly yours,
John Sherman