
George Cullam



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News of war and response to Bishop's latest telegram


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letter, McIlvaine, Cullam, Civil War


Gen. Geo. W. Cullum to Bishop C.P. McIlvaine

Washington, DC

Sept. 11, 1861

My dear Bishop,

I have read with the deepest interest your very interesting and instructive letter of the 3rd inst;. I immediately sent it to Gen. McClellan not being able to find him at his quarters. He read it, his aide informs me, and I hope he will paply the [?] instructions, he being familiar with the localities and the strategy of the campagin in Western Virginia. General [?] has done what he could to reefnorce Rosecrans, but by order of the higher powers, the troops have been diverted to Fremont.

From the last telegram we have from Rosecrans I do hope we may have effected a junction with Cox before the communications of the latter were but by the rebels. From these sources near your letter i learn that Cox’s command is entirely demoralized.

Things are [?] here. This [?] must seem right or [?]. Not a regiment can be spared for you from here. Help must go to you from the West, at the expense of Fremont’s [?] movements if [?].

I will do all I can, but that is little. i have not been able to show your note to Gov. Chase, who may have power to influence the administration to support the two bills [?] of Northern Virginia.

I write amid great confusion and in much haste and must now stop, being [?] away.

Thanking you for your kind and valuable note, I remain

Ever yours most truly,

Geo. W. Cullum

Col. & A.D.C.

Bishop C.P. McIlvaine



Notes: George Washington Cullum (1809-1892) then a colonel, later a general had been a cadet, instructor at west point and historian. in the fall of 1861 he was on gen. halleck’s staff. from july 17th, 1861 to feb 1, 1862 the bishops son-in-law, george washington dubois was the chaplain of the 11th Ohio with the rank of CAptain. He served under Gen. Cox sometimes sharing blankets with him. See more in DuBois notes and letters and in McIlvaine’s. DuBois was in the thick of fighting. McIlvaine was worried about his safety and hat of West Virginia and Ohio.

Letter to C. P. McIlvaine



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